
Everything Service

The Everything service indexes NTFS volumes and monitors USN Journals.

This allows the Everything client to run as a standard user.

On XP or earlier the Everything service is not required.

On Vista or later with a standard user account you will need to install the Everything service to use NTFS indexing.

On Vista or later with the true administrator account the Everything service is not required.

The Everything service is installed by default on Windows Vista or later when the installer is run with a standard user account.


  • Check the Install Everything Service option when running the Everything installer.


  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.

  • Click the General Tab.

  • Check Everything Service.

  • Uncheck Run as administrator.

  • Click OK.

How is the Everything service started?

Windows automatically starts the Everything service on system start-up.

Stopping or starting the service

The Everything service is always running and generally does not need to be stopped.

However, you can start or stop the Everything service from Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services. Right click the Everything service and select Start or Stop.

How can I manage the Everything service from the command line?

Everything.exe -install-service [-install-service-pipe-name <name>] [-install-service-security-descriptor <sd>]
Everything.exe -uninstall-service
Everything.exe -start-service
Everything.exe -stop-service

How can I manage the Everything service from Everything?

  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.

  • Click the General Tab.

  • Check or uncheck the Everything service to install or uninstall the Everything service.

  • Click OK.

How can I run the Everything service from the portable version of Everything?

To launch the Everything service as a normal administrator application, run the following:

Everything.exe -svc

To specify the pipe name, use the -svc-pipe-name <name> command line option, for example:

Everything.exe -svc -svc-pipe-name "my Everything pipe name"

Running the Everything service this way does not modify the system.

The Everything service has no interface.

Use Task Manager to terminate the service application when it is no longer needed.

You can close the portable service application easily by making a batch file that runs Everything.exe -svc

Simply close the console window to terminate the service application.

How many resources does the service use?

The Everything service will use about 1MB of RAM and will have none to very little CPU usage.


Any local user can use the Everything Service to create a list of all NTFS filenames.

Note: The Everything Service can not be used to access files, only filenames.

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