Everything will gather properties with the Windows Property System.
If this fails, Everything will fall back to it's own built in property handler for the above file types.
The Windows Property System is managed by the OS to provide properties for files.
The Windows Property System can be extended with third party property handlers.
Video bit rate and Audio bit rate are not stored in the mkv container.
This information is usually stored in the audio/video codec.
Everything doesn't understand any audio/video codecs (at this stage) and only looks in the mkv container for properties.
I will look into reading audio/video codecs for this information.
For now, please use the total bit rate which is calculated from the total file size / length
as lossless audio formats are not that many to come around. In my music editor opinion, people dealing with audio in their work are more likely to use them than some lossy formats, of which there is a plethora to choose from [and which adding of all would be, I reckon, problematic]
And also extend the already added audio/mpeg with inclusion in it of
Last edited by Thy Grand Voidinesss on Fri Aug 04, 2023 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Just to note that I came across an "oddity" where some softwares were naming .ogg as .oga (audio only).
(Likewise, Everything does not contain .oga in its' audio: filter, & I'd expect ? most media players don't, by default, know of ".oga" [though they will all play them].
Is it worth messing with ".oga" in any manner, or simply rename them to .ogg & be done with it.)