Should a stale instance Update or Rebuild?

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Should a stale instance Update or Rebuild?

Post by therube »

Should a stale instance Update or Rebuild?

As it is, if you have an instance that you have not used in a long time, when you open it, it does an Update.
The Update can be quite time consuming (I'm thinking) compared to a Rebuild.

Would it make sense for it to say, heh, I have not been here in a long time, Rebuild! (rather then Update)?
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Re: Should a stale instance Update or Rebuild?

Post by void »

What should happen is:
The USN Journal would have filled with changes.
Everything will try to read the changes since it was last run.
This should fail as the journal entries have been deleted/overwritten.
Everything will do a fresh rebuild automatically.

Typically a 32MB USN Journal will hold a couple days to a week worth of changes.
You can check your USN Journal size from Tools -> Options -> NTFS -> Select Volume -> Maximum Size.

If you have a larger USN Journals with less changes to your file systems than normal, this can hold months of changes.

What usually happens is the USN Journal still has a record of all changes since Everything was last run, Everything 1.4 will take a long time to process these changes before it is usable.

Consider starting Everything with the -reindex command line option to start with a fresh index:
Everything.exe -reindex

Updating the database in the background is in development for Everything 1.5, allowing you to search while the database is updated.
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