Yesterday my surface got win10 updates pushed and installed, after that the Everything is not working anymore due to fata error from mem_alloc() function.
Here is the information that I collected:
* Error:
Pop up message during the startup:
.\src\mem.c(566): mem_alloc() : Fatal error: out of memory
* Everything version: Version
* HW spec:
RAM 4GB, Intel i5-3317U 1.70GHz
* Windows 10:
Home x64 edition, CHN
Version: 1903
Installation date: 2020-April-06
OS version: 18362.720
mem_alloc fatal error on win10 home x64 1903 18362.720
mem_alloc fatal error on win10 home x64 1903 18362.720
- Attachments
- everything_outofmemory_win10_system_info.png (38.35 KiB) Viewed 3608 times
- everything_outofmemory_win10.png (5.99 KiB) Viewed 3608 times
Re: mem_alloc fatal error on win10 home x64 1903 18362.720
Everything is trying to allocate 8GB ram.
Possible cause is a corrupt database.
Please try deleting your Everything.db and restarting Everything:
Possible cause is a corrupt database.
Please try deleting your Everything.db and restarting Everything:
- In Windows Explorer, navigate to:
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Everything - Delete your Everything.db
- Restart Everything.