File size not updated

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File size not updated

Post by tcyiu »

Firstly, I just absolutely L O V E your search program!! I am not kidding when I say that it has been life changing. Thank you for your efforts.

I just ran into a situation that I am not sure if it is a bug. As I understand it, changes in the file system should be automatically logged in the index for subsequent searches. However, I ran into a case where it did not.

I have a DVD rip that is 1.2GB in size. I decided to re-rip it to be 1.8GB. After the rip was done, I copied it over the lower quality rip. i.e. the new rip replaced the old rip using the exact same file name.

A couple of days later, I did a search for it. (Using Everything to navigate is much faster than manual navigation in Explorer !!!). The search results showed the file at 1.2GB. Suddenly, I was confused. Did I just imagine that I had ripped it? Using Everything, I searched all over the disk and could not find the 1.8GB version. Just as I was going to re-rip it, I navigated to the directory using Explorer and lo and behold, the 1.8GB rip was there.

Everything did not catch the file size change. Or the file size change did not register in the index.

I don't know what the fix should be. Just an FYI.
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: File size not updated

Post by void »

"Everything" does not update file sizes automatically.

You must press F5 to refresh file information, such as file size.

Monitoring file sizes is on my "Things to do" list.
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