Max size and number of Databases?

General discussion related to "Everything".
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Max size and number of Databases?

Post by Robberbaron »

Is there a Max size and number of Databases? I have 19 different DataBases 64k files and when i look for a certain thing that i know i have it will not find it. I know my server can handle it i have 64gig of ram so should not be an issue.
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Re: Max size and number of Databases?

Post by void »

For Everything x86, the maximum number of files and folders is roughly 134,217,728
For Everything x64, the maximum number of files and folders is roughly 576,460,752,303,423,488

You will most likely run out of memory before reaching these limits as this does not take into account memory usage for filenames.

Everything only supports one database at a time.
You can specify the database name with the -db command line option or by using multiple instances.
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Re: Max size and number of Databases?

Post by Robberbaron »

Maybe i am missing something when i say Database. there is only 1 everything.db Now what i am calling databases are the separate drives i have. i index them and they make a file like Movies.efu the .efu is what i call a Database. Now i have 19 of those .efu files that i have set up under tools-options-file list... Now my understanding is that Everything reads those and uses them for my search. Now are there to many of those cause i can have a drive running pick any file off of it and search for it in everything and it wont find it even tho Movies.efu is on the file list and i see the file on the drive.
so am i using it properly or not?
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Re: Max size and number of Databases?

Post by void »

There's no limit to how many file lists you can include in your Everything index.
However, the performance of Everything does start to drastically decrease at about 1000 file lists.
The next version of Everything will handle millions of file lists more efficiently.

Please make sure you do not have any search options checked under the Search menu.

Where are your file lists stored? are they always online? or are they on a volume that might not be plugged in? -try copying your file lists to your C: drive and including file lists in your index from your C: drive only.
Please try forcing a rebuild from Tools -> Options -> Indexes -> Force Rebuild.
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Re: Max size and number of Databases?

Post by TomDupe »

I have indexed 50 hard drives so far.
Total files is just over 30 million.
Uses 3 GB ram. I'm happy with responsiveness.

Have more hard drives to load, via efu files.
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