Asynchronous file previews

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Asynchronous file previews

Post by traycerb »

I love Everything, and so does everyone whose computer I have installed it on, and I have expressed my love via donation etc, and I can honestly say I was actually *excited* when the file preview feature landed. It has been every bit as fantastic as I hoped for.

I do have one issue with it, when moving down through a list of files, Everything will "freeze" for a few seconds on a given file as it loads the preview. This, despite the fact that in some situations, I would like to move past that file to another and no longer need the preview.

What would be great is to either have the previews load asynchronously, so the user can continue interacting with Everything. Perhaps there is some alternative way to recognize the user is moving on, and just abort the preview altogether.

I know async features can lead to complicated situations (race conditions etc), but perhaps if it's not too much effort perhaps it could be tried out.

One other feature relating to previews would be the ability to exclude certain files from previews. While I very much love Word and PDF previews, I almost never want my audio files to be previewed in Everything.

Thanks again for a great program!
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Re: Asynchronous file previews

Post by void »

I plan to move preview loading to a separate thread for Everything 1.5.

This will fix the hang you are experiencing when changing the preview.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:36 am

Re: Asynchronous file previews

Post by traycerb »

Much appreciated. Thanks :)
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