Push frequently used result item for search to top of results (option to enable)

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Push frequently used result item for search to top of results (option to enable)

Post by vurtikas »

don't know if anyone has suggested this before, but I find myself wishing this was implemented:

Everything could:
* Keep track of searches and selected /used results.
Keep a "hot" / frequent searches (say 10 or perhaps 20 or more) and resulting used item of result. In order to then be able to...:
* Perhaps (1) offer to autocomplete a hot search (cant see that clearly), but more importantly:
* (2) Identify previously used result item ("hot selected/used item" or "recently used item"), and autoselect it.
UI feedback for this happening should be some highlight color and cursor moved directly to "hot/recently used item".

Example use case:
Offer user quick way of navigating to commonly used paths
Prereq's: User has many commonly used paths. Navigating manually to these is ineffective. Using everything to navigate to these paths are a common use of it.
User wants to navigate to "acme diagrams folder", for the 10th time on this workday.
User enters shortcut to start everything (e g ctrl+delete or similar)
User enters same search keywords as always, "acme diag", results appear.
Actual result:
The desired folder is item number 4 in results list.
User presses tab, downarrow a few times and then "enter" or
Presses enter, everything selects most recent item and user presses enter again to open.
Desired result:
Everything has saved this search as a hot-search, recognizes it, provides feedback of this realization in the UI.
The desired folder, "acme diagrams folder" is found in the resultset and identified by everything as the commonly used item,
and moves that item to the top:
User sees the desired folder as result nr 1.
User (a) enter twice (as-is today, almost?) or (b) ctrl-enter directly to open most commonly used item.

Today, it seems as if pressing enter moves to the previously or most commonly used item, but can this behavior be made more apparent and understandable to the user?

Thanks for a most indispensable and most awesomest tool. Windows without everything sucks alot more. :-)

BR! /marcus
Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:28 am

Re: Push frequently used result item for search to top of results (option to enable)

Post by vurtikas »

oh, and maybe I should get my own account here now... :-)
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Re: Push frequently used result item for search to top of results (option to enable)

Post by NotNull »

It seems most of your wishes (if not all) are already built-in:
Activate "Search history" and "Run Count history" to get this.

The specifics on how to activate and configure these can be found here:
http://www.voidtools.com/support/everyt ... n_history/
http://www.voidtools.com/support/everyt ... h_history/
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