INI file overwrite with each new Alpha?

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INI file overwrite with each new Alpha?

Post by gutberle »


whenever I use any of the recent Alphas (now 451a) on a machine for the first time, it overwrites my Options with what seem to be default values and thereby not also voids my desired settings but also my custom filters.

Normally not a big deal, I agree, but I run a farm of >40 nodes each with Everything installed and ETP functionality and this admittedly small problem makes upgrading to a new Alpha version a bit more painful than it should be. Also, saving and restoring the .ini does not seem to do the job. Some settings do not seem to be stored there. Is that so and if where are they stored?

Btw.: I realize I can load a specific config at startup and this may be an option for me, but I wanted to report this behavior anyway.

Kind regards,
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Re: INI file overwrite with each new Alpha?

Post by void »

I have been unable to reproduce the error here,

All config information is stored in the Everything.ini file.

Are you copying your Everything.ini file over to each new installation?

Please note:
Newer Everything.ini's may not work with older versions of "Everything".
Older versions of "Everything" will reset unsupported settings.
For example if you run Everything with an everything.ini from the new alpha version, all the new settings for the alpha version will be lost.
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