right justification on path column (smart justification)

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right justification on path column (smart justification)

Post by alex_dacosta »

It would be very useful to switch to right justification on the path column. Because most of the time the interesting part of a long path is the name appearing on the extreme right. Almost always, you cannot get it visible.

Another improved presentation of the path could be: Beginning ... end of the path.

The long path:

Code: Select all

C:\Users\demo\Documents\ADC\Lana\Doc\Example\Global\Cab\Cot\2016\Photo\Moi\rev1\first of all.jpg
would become (depending on the size of the column):

Code: Select all

C:\Users\demo\Docum...\first of all.jpg
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Re: right justification on path column (smart justification)

Post by therube »

most of the time the interesting part of a long path is the name appearing on the extreme right
Suppose that depends on what one was looking for.
In my case, I'd say the opposite.
I'm interested in what directory tree a file may be in, & not necessarily the bottom-most directory name.

But having an option to handle different circumstances is always nice.

size of the column
I've long thought that Everything should do better in (smart) "auto-sizing" of column widths.

That being based on both some fixed (set) window size (like the current Window Size settings), & also when interactively resizing a window. Sizing could be automatic or manual or a combination of both. And sizing would also be irrespective of the 4 preset Window Size settings currently available, & also irrespective of user set column widths.

In other words, you can also set wanted window size, & column widths - say as a "Bookmark", but also have the ability to be able to either auto or manually resize things, all the while being able to revert back to that Bookmark (set of window/column sizings).

I cannot fathom that in 2016, Windows (OS) is just getting around to doing something like that - sometimes. That there has been no real innovation in that respect from MS! (And I'll think that again in 2017, & 2018, &...)

Salamander, works in a decent way - though most often, I would think, one sets its size to a maximized window, so in most instances, there isn't really all that much that it needs to take into account as far as sizing goes.

AllDup (& his other utilities) seem to do a good job in this respect.

NirSoft, while you might say rudimentary, typically has at least a (manual) option to auto size columns.

http://www.voidtools.com/forum/viewtopi ... 4959#p4959

Even if Full Screen (F11) were to at least resize columns to better fit (the now increased window size) [& then reverted to prior column-width setting when taken out of Full Screen], would be a great benefit.
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