Folder name handling

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Joined: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:44 am

Folder name handling

Post by nagan »

I made a search \ab c .vcf yielding to certain (all ) results in this folder
C:\Users\** ******\AB CDE\Broadcom\Bluetooth Software\BluetoothDeviceBackups - gtest\*** - W-20120512-0639 - Copy\pb

Surprisingly only AB in AB CDE folder seems boldened , and some in the file results do have a boldened "C" . Please check the pointer 1 and 2 .2 does not have C any where. Also ALL (same) the entries immediately after \users\ is smudged . It does have an alphabet a (not boldened) but no C.
Everythingedited 2013-05-06_082101.gif
Everythingedited 2013-05-06_082101.gif (85.39 KiB) Viewed 3037 times
How is the results of folders having inherent spaces handled.
\ab cde .vcf does not yield a result (Zero) , but match path works.

\ab c.vcf yields a file name containing a b c .vcf with no relation to folder \ab in the drive
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Re: Folder name handling

Post by void »

Only \AB will match paths.

C and .CVF will match only the file names.

when you include a backslash (\) in your search only that term will match paths.
The search \ab c .vcf is actually 3 search terms:
\ab AND c AND .vcf

Please try searching for:

Code: Select all

path:<\ab c .vcf>
This will enable match path for all terms.

or, search for folders or files with \ab in the path AND with c anywhere in the path AND with .vcf in the filename.

Code: Select all

\ab path:c .vcf
\ab doesn't need path: since the backslash (\) will enable that for us.
.vcf probably doesn't need the path: since it is an extension.

XXX.vcf does contain a c in the extension.
Posts: 302
Joined: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:44 am

Re: Folder name handling

Post by nagan »

Ok. Thanks for the clarification.

Code: Select all

Code: Select all
    path:<\ab c .vcf>
Also I find that path:<\ab c>.vcf yields the same results. A small doubt though. path:<\ab c .vcf>
does not necessarily pick path aligned with \ab. For example I had atleast 4 results to the tune of ab****.vcf in the path g:\xyz essentially trying to replicate the query ab c.vcf.Except that the word ab is essentially in the front and for the latter ab is also found in the middle.

\ab cde\ .vcf yields the .vcf results in the folder ab cde. So that is how folder spaces are managed. It makes it very easy.
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