I understand that Everything is written in C.
If the code was written in Rust, can this improve the program in any way?
Re: Rust?
(I thought it was assembler?)
Rust rhymes with crust.
Rust is a type of corrosion.
Rust is empowering.
While I do like crust, whenever I read "empowering" I know something not good is to come of it.
Rust rhymes with crust.
Rust is a type of corrosion.
Rust is empowering.
While I do like crust, whenever I read "empowering" I know something not good is to come of it.
Re: Rust?
Around 5% was written in assember (in 1.4; 1.5 is twice as much code as 1.4, so probably even less than 5%)
The large majority is in C.
A non-developer take on this:
Rust can help protect code from memory addressing issues like buffer overrun and -underrun. Those are quite seldom in Everything and moreover: get fixed within a blink of an eye.
Converting half a million+ lines of code from C to <any other language> will halt further development of Everything for many years.
Not worth it, in my opinion. Using Rust for developing a new application: that's another story ..