"LFN" is broken ...
"LFN" is "broken" - in Everything, when shell_execute_short_parameters=1
([aside from Everything] "LFN" is broken ... in general, in everything, everywhere
& i'm sure even if LFN support is enabled in Win10/11)
thinking it must have broken when LFN support for custom_open_command01 was added?
ah, it depends on, Config: shell_execute_short_parameters=1
(& heh, any number of other factors!)
1354 "worked"
1355 brought Custom Commands
1356 added LFN support to Custom Commands (via Config: shell_execute_short_parameters= preference)
nothing works "everywhere", with all programs
1354 "worked" with "most" everything, in "most" manners (double-click, Open With, SendTo, ...)
i take it that there is a difference between what which
a $exec("%1") does, & what an exec: shellexecute does ?
must be,
$exec sends %1 parameter which $exec executes on, directly, so capabilites (or lack thereof)
of $exec [program] determine what happens
exec: shellexecute, does what, a $exec() to shell, with "shell" being "DOS" [CMD],
so "DOS" determines what/how parameters are then passed to the called program
(i ran into differences there, not long ago, no?)
so "something" broke with $exec("LFN") when CC with LFN support was added,
along with setting, Config: shell_execute_short_parameters=1
additionally, various programs handle LFN (or not) differently
like IrfanView simply appears to not handle LFN - at all ?
so... as it is now, LFN can work in $exec(%1) or in Custom Command, but not both,
Custom Commands like:
Config: custom_open_command01=$exec("C:\BIN\XXhash64.BAT" %*)
Config: custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" %* /thumbs)
Config: custom_open_command03=$exec("C:\DEV\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe" %*)
Config: custom_open_command04=$exec("C:\BIN\I_View-THUMBS.bat" %*)
Config: custom_open_command05=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\mpv.net\mpvnet.exe" %*)
Default "commands" like (aka "registered" programs [filetypes] for):
png: IrfanView
mp4: MPLayer
txt: notepad
Open With like:
png: Paint
mp4: MPLayer, mpv.net, MPC-BE, MPC-HE
txt: win32pad, Vim (also has its' own context-menu entry), wordpad
SendTo like:
hash programs, Everything -rename, rename programs, diff / merge programs
Search (term):
path:len:>260 (should suffice)
double-click on said file, or use Custom Command (or Open With or SendTo) to open file
varies, potentially greatly, heh
you might get something like:
- Everything: The filename or extension is too long (message from Everything)
or a particular program may itself report an error:
- Irfanview:
- "C:\out\Z\254LFN ...(~250 more chars here)... LFN254.png : Can't read file header !
- Unknown file format, empty/damaged file or file not found"
DOS [CMD] when given a SFN, looks to expand that into 2 parts; path + name, where the
path-part remains a SFN, & the name-part which is expanded to its' LFN name, so very
possible (actually, it /has/ to be, doesn't it - if the name-part is already at its'
max.len of 255) what "DOS" passes on to the called program will still be a LFN
(& in the case of IrfanView, it can't handle that)
example SFN:
DIR sfn
= OK, prints "Directory of C:\out\Z"
followed by the directory entry, with the full (lfn) name-part
DIR /B sfn
= OK, prints the full (long) file name-part (only)
DIR /X sfn
= OK, prints "Directory of C:\out\Z"
followed by the directory entry, with the 8.3 (short) name-part,
followed by the full (lfn) name-part
(that kind of says that /this, START sfn/ is on IrfanView)
(with a pic: file & IrfanView) Everything shows:
Directory 'C:\out\Z' (a SFN as it happens to be)
File 'C:\out\Z\254LFN~1.PNG'
(so an [existing] "SFN" path-part, & a SFN name-part, so then entire 'File' entry is a SFN)
how IrfanView actually recieves / interprets things is:
- SFN (path-part), *and* LFN (name-part)
In (particular) case, Lengths:
TOT = 264
PATH = 9
NAME = 255
so what is being sent to (received by) /IrfanView/ is a LFN (264 chars)
(rather then a "SFN" of, File 'C:\out\Z\254LFN~1.PNG')
different programs do react differently
WinMerge gets a "full" LFN, with both path & name in LFN format - as a "UNC" filename
Code: Select all
\\?\C:\out\254LFN ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. LFN254.png
winmergeU.exe 254lfn~1.txt (from a command-line)
where 254lfn~1.txt is a SFN of a LFN (of 255 char length)
does open & display 254lfn~1.txt,
but immediately hangs/crashes
winmergeU, in the case of Everything, & regardless of shell_execute_short_parameters=,
(via) Custom Command gets a "UNC" filename, & has no problem with that,
showing a name like: \\?\C:\out\Z\254LFN ...[~250 .'s here]... LFN254.TXT
Vim, via its' context-menu entry
opens a /directory-like listing/ of C:\out\Z
win32pad, notepad, wordpad, look to have no issues
win32pad & notepad show the full (255 char) filename, wordpad shows an 8.3 filename
(notepad run via double-click or Open With, others via Open With)
Code: Select all
disconnected from service
Everything: (x86)
OS: Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
Admin: 0
Service: 6 (connected / partially installed)
Command line: -instance LFN -read-only
Binary: C:\DEV\Locate\15.x-ish - LFN testoror\Everything.exe
Profile: C:\DEV\Locate\15.x-ish - LFN testoror\Everything-LFN.ini
Database: C:\DEV\Locate\15.x-ish - LFN testoror\Everything-LFN.db
Instance: LFN
Config: match_path=1
Config: ignore_punctuation=1
Config: show_mouseover=0
Config: dupe_group_colors=1
Config: highlight_max_or_paths=256
Config: zoom=134
Config: auto_include_fixed_volumes=0
Config: find_first_file_path_not_found_retry_timeout=30000
Config: icon_blend_hidden=1
Config: thumbnail_medium_text_lines=3
Config: thumbnail_large_text_lines=2
Config: open_many_files_warning_threshold=9
Config: set_foreground_window_attach_thread_input=0
Config: snap_toggle_on_shift=1
Config: rename_overwrite=1
Config: allow_literal_operators=1
Config: convert_forward_slash_to_backslash=1
Config: operator_precedence=1
Config: size_format=1
Config: size_number_format=4
Config: ellipsis=0
Config: jump_to_timeout=99999
Config: folder_rescan_timeout=60000
Config: context_menu_parent_folder=1
Config: custom_open_command01=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\mpv.net\mpvnet.exe" %*)
Config: custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\DEV\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe" %*)
Config: custom_open_command03=$exec("C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" %*)
Config: filter=EVERYTHING
Config: preview_icon=1
Config: findbar_highlight_all=0
Config: search_history_always_suggest=1
Config: ntfs_volumes=[{"path":"C:","volume_name":"...
Config: properties=[{"name":"Length","include_only_files":"*.3gp;*.asf;*.asx;*.avi;*.divx;*.f4v;*.flv;*.m2t;*.m2ts;*.m2v;*.m4v;*.mkv;*.mp4;*.mpe;*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.mov;*.mts;*.ogm;*.ogv;*.qt;*.ram;*.rm;*.rmvb;*.smil;*.swf;*.ts;*.vob;*.vp6;*.webm;*.wmv;*.h264;*.srt;*.part","fast_sort":1}]
Just some text files...