Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
Can anyone suggest a program that will let me easily create sets of frequently-used files, grouped by project or topic?
When I start working on a given project, I generally have to open a number of files that I'll need to cross-reference and refer to while I'm working on that project, and it takes way too much time to find and open them (and often I can't remember all of them). It'd be great if I could quickly and easily create and modify sets of files related to a particular project, and then quickly and easily open them without having to search for them.
This program is similar to what I'm looking for:
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks -
When I start working on a given project, I generally have to open a number of files that I'll need to cross-reference and refer to while I'm working on that project, and it takes way too much time to find and open them (and often I can't remember all of them). It'd be great if I could quickly and easily create and modify sets of files related to a particular project, and then quickly and easily open them without having to search for them.
This program is similar to what I'm looking for:
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks -
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
Some file managers have the option to create some sort of "virtual folder" where you can virtually put all needed files/programs together.
XYplorer and Directory Opus handle this quite nicely (Total Commander has rudimental support too)
But why not using Instant File Opener if that does what you want?
XYplorer and Directory Opus handle this quite nicely (Total Commander has rudimental support too)
But why not using Instant File Opener if that does what you want?
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
Thanks for those suggestions. I didn't know that XYPlorer and Directory Opus could do that.
Instant File Opener just feels kind of awkward and slow for me to use. It's good, and it's pretty ridiculous for me to look gift horse in the mouth, but I can't help but feel like there might be something better out there.
Instant File Opener just feels kind of awkward and slow for me to use. It's good, and it's pretty ridiculous for me to look gift horse in the mouth, but I can't help but feel like there might be something better out there.
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
Nirlauncher sure has a lot of things it can do. Seems like Traybar stopped development a long time ago. Not sure it would work with anything more recent than Windows XP or 98.
- Posts: 697
- Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2022 5:01 pm
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
FreeCommander has this, where it goes under the name File Container Tab
In it you can also create Favorite Toolbars with menus hiding under icons, naming them as pleased
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
I even have an Autohotkey script which creates a Free Commander File ContainerThy Grand Voidinesss wrote: ↑Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:24 pmFreeCommander has this, where it goes under the name File Container Tab
them as pleased
from the Everything GUI search results and automatically opens them.
Btw. the same is available for Total Commander.
- Posts: 697
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- Posts: 697
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Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
I guess not
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
Sorry, here it is.
Store it in a writable sub-dir Scripts of FC settings.
Make the changes for your environment.
Compile it and create a hotkey for the exe to start it.
It creates an ini file in the same dir after the first run.
Edit this if you want to make changes, no need for changing and recompiling.
Store it in a writable sub-dir Scripts of FC settings.
Make the changes for your environment.
Compile it and create a hotkey for the exe to start it.
It creates an ini file in the same dir after the first run.
Edit this if you want to make changes, no need for changing and recompiling.
Code: Select all
; Transfer Everything GUI results to FC
; Author: Horst.Epp
; Last modified: 21.10.2021
; Build AutoHotkey_L
; Build x64
; Build Kill=true
; Build Zip=false
; Build Run=true
#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1
; Create / read .ini file settings
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
iniFile := RegExReplace(A_ScriptFullPath, "(ahk|exe)$", "ini")
if not (FileExist(iniFile)) {
iniContent :="
(( LTrim
; DestinationFile
; Where to save the output (full path to DestinationFile.fcc)
; EverythingColumnPositions (Default: 2,1)
; The columns 'Name' and 'Path' must be visible in the Everything GUI Window
; The first value is the position of the 'Path' column
; The second value is the position of the 'Name' column
; CloseEverything (Default 1 for yes)
; Should Everything GUI window be closed after transfering to FC
; UseInstance (Empty for default instance)
; Name of the Everything instance to be used for closing the GUI
; FreeCommander
; Full path to the FC executable file
; Everything
; Full path to the Everything executable file
; The contents of the following lines must be adjusted if necessary, e.g. path and parameter adjustments.
DestinationFile = C:\Tools\FreeCommander\Settings\FileContainers\Everything.fcc
AddEndSlash = 0
CloseEverything = 1
UseInstance =
Everything = C:\Tools\Everything\Everything64.exe
FreeCommander = C:\Tools\FreeCommander\FreeCommander.exe
FileAppend, % iniContent, % iniFile, UTF-16
IniRead, DestinationFile, % iniFile, General, DestinationFile, %A_Space%
IniRead, EverythingColumnPositions, % iniFile, General, EverythingColumnPositions, 2`,1
IniRead, AddEndSlash, % iniFile, General, AddEndSlash, 0
IniWrite, %AddEndSlash%, % iniFile, General, AddEndSlash
IniRead, CloseEverything, % iniFile, General, CloseEverything, 1
IniWrite, %CloseEverything%, % iniFile, General, CloseEverything
IniRead, UseInstance, % iniFile, General, UseInstance, %A_Space%
IniWrite, %UseInstance%, % iniFile, General, UseInstance
IniRead, Everything, % iniFile, General, Everything, "C:\Tools\Everything\Everything64.exe"
IniRead, FreeCommander, % iniFile, General, FreeCommander, "C:\Tools\FreeCommander\FreeCommander.exe"
DestinationFile := ResolveEnvVars(DestinationFile)
EverythingColumnPositions := StrReplace(EverythingColumnPositions, " ")
; Force error if none is given (or path doesn't exist)
SplitPath, DestinationFile, , dstPath
if (DestinationFile = "" || !InStr(FileExist(dstPath), "D")) {
Msgbox, 16, Fatal error, Destination file definition is missing or illegal named !
if (EverythingColumnPositions = "" || !InStr(EverythingColumnPositions, ",")) {
EverythingColumnPositions := "2,1"
columnArray := StrSplit(EverythingColumnPositions, ",")
hWnd := WinExist("ahk_exe Everything(?:\d\d)*\.exe")
if hWnd
ControlGet, winContent, List, , SysListView321, % "ahk_id" hWnd
if (winContent)
fullContent := "#FreeCommander file cart" "`n"
; Loop over row(s)
Loop, Parse, winContent, `n
rowID := A_Index
path := ""
name := ""
full := ""
Bad := 2
; Loop over column(s)
Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, % A_Tab
colID := A_Index
content := A_LoopField
If (colID > columnArray[1] And colID > columnArray[2])
If (colID = columnArray[1])
If !RegExMatch(content,"i)^[a-z]:|\\\.*?\\")
path := content
Bad -= 1
If !RegExMatch(path,"\\$")
path := path . "\"
Else if (colID = columnArray[2])
If content is Space
name := content
Bad -= 1
If (Bad == 0)
full := path . name
If InStr(FileExist(full), "D")
if (AddEndSlash == 1)
if !RegExMatch(full,"\\$")
full := full . "\"
If RegExMatch(full,"\\$")
full := SubStr(full,1,StrLen(full)-1)
fullContent .= full "`n"
fullContent := RegExReplace(fullContent,"\R$","")
If (FileExist(DestinationFile))
FileDelete, % DestinationFile
FileAppend, % fullContent, % DestinationFile, UTF-8
DestinationDir := SubStr(DestinationFile,1,InStr(DestinationFile, "\",,-1))
run %FreeCommander% /C %DestinationFile%
If (CloseEverything) {
run %Everything% -instance "%UseInstance%" -close
; Empty search result
Msgbox, 16,, Search result is Empty, Nothing to do ...
; No Everything window visible
} Else {
Msgbox, 16, Fatal error, Everything window does not exist!
SetTitleMatchMode, 1
; ==================================
; = GOTO: FUNCTIONS - ResolveEnvVars
; ==================================
ResolveEnvVars(str) {
if sz := DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "uint", &str, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
VarSetCapacity(dst, A_IsUnicode ? sz * 2 : sz)
if DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "uint", &str, "str", dst, "uint", sz)
return dst
return str
- Posts: 527
- Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:44 pm
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
* The ordinary method would be to create folders of shortcuts - double click any of interest, or ctrl-click/shift-click to select several and hit enter to launch
Obviously any folder of shortcuts would be available in other programs in various ways such as Everything (make a bookmark to the folder)
* Command launchers like slickrun can also be very helpful for invoking files or several (duplicating a command code with different instructions will cause the code to launch all of them)
Obviously any folder of shortcuts would be available in other programs in various ways such as Everything (make a bookmark to the folder)
* Command launchers like slickrun can also be very helpful for invoking files or several (duplicating a command code with different instructions will cause the code to launch all of them)
- Posts: 697
- Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2022 5:01 pm
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
Thy Grand Voidinesss wrote: ↑Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:02 pmI guess not
Thank you. But
#1] I created AHK file with this code of yours in it
#2] I adjusted 5 paths, so that they would lead to my Everything and my FreeCommander
#3] I have used the Ahk2Exe.exe to compile the adjusted code to an EXE
#4] Having created
C:\my portables\FreeCommander\Plugins\Transfer Everything GUI Results To FreeCommander\Transfer Everything GUI Results To FreeCommander.exe
I ran it and got INI file created out of it
#5] And now what? How do I incorporate it to Everything?
Last edited by Thy Grand Voidinesss on Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
Thy Grand Voidinesss wrote: ↑Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:44 pm Thank you. But
#1] I created AHK file with this code of yours in it
#2][/u] I adjusted 5 paths, so that they would lead to my Everything and my FreeCommander
#3] I have used the Ahk2Exe.exe to compile the adjusted code to an EXE
#4] Having created
C:\my portables\FreeCommander\Plugins\Transfer Everything GUI Results To FreeCommander\Transfer Everything GUI Results To FreeCommander.exe
I ran it and got INI file created out of it
#5] And now what? How do I incorporate it to Everything?
1. Run the Everything GUI and make any search.
2. Start your "Transfer Everything GUI Results To FreeCommander.exe" with a Hotkey or Taskbar entry.
3. If all is correct, the GUI results are stored into an FC container and this is opened by FC.
- Posts: 697
- Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2022 5:01 pm
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
What hotkey? I have not found
in that code, which would indicate existence of one in it
Or what Taskbar? Of Windows? How?
Code: Select all
Or what Taskbar? Of Windows? How?
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
There is of course no hotkey in the code, as it should only run on demand.Thy Grand Voidinesss wrote: ↑Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:09 pm What hotkey? I have not foundin that code, which would indicate existence of one in itCode: Select all
Or what Taskbar? Of Windows? How?
Make a shortcut with Windows and assign it a hotkey.
For example, on your desktop
You can even pin the shortcut to the taskbar and don't use any hotkey to start it.
Or use any other tool which makes global shortcuts, I use Quick Access PopUp for example.
- Posts: 697
- Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2022 5:01 pm
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
It is just stunning how through all these decades I have not consciously noticed / remembered, that LNK files have a box described as Shortcut; thank you
Have you perhaps proposed to void using your solution as a basis for incorporating such feature to Everything?
Have you perhaps proposed to void using your solution as a basis for incorporating such feature to Everything?
Last edited by Thy Grand Voidinesss on Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
No, as it would require some work from David to adapt it for many file managersThy Grand Voidinesss wrote: ↑Sat Jan 13, 2024 11:58 am Have you perhaps proposed to void using your solution as a basis for incorporating such feature to Everything?
Currently, I have versions of the AHK script for the following file managers:
- Free Commander
- Total Commander
- XYplorer
- Posts: 697
- Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2022 5:01 pm
Re: Program to create hand-picked sets of frequently-used files?
If you do not mind sharing them, you should publish them all on the forum - and then add them to the Greatest Hits topic [viewtopic.php?t=12667]