How is it even possible that Everything is this fast at sorting ?

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How is it even possible that Everything is this fast at sorting ?

Post by shodan »


I've been using Everything for a long time now and nothing else compares.
When microsoft ruined their file search for whatever they're doing now, I realized how essential a good file search engine was.
And I was amazed at how fast Everything was and still am.

How is it possible that you can sort by file size, millions of files ?
And be able to scroll that list as fast as my mouse can move ?
What is the secret of this alien technology ?

On linux I find often use
find / | grep -i myfile
Could such high performance customizable search engine ever grace the penguin ?

And, could this technology be used for other purpose ?

I know this sounds crazy but, what if I could search my mail with such amazing performance

Also, there is another application called WinDirStat
Which lets you visually observe your disk space consumption on a per folder and per file basis
But the biggest problem with that program is that, every single time your start it, it will create a new index of all your files
Which takes dozens of minutes
And I was also wondering, could this app be modified to use the everything database for its index instead of creating a new index each time ?

Thanks and thanks for making this amazing software !
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Re: How is it even possible that Everything is this fast at sorting ?

Post by void »

Thank you for your feedback shodan,

No sorting occurs when you click a column header.
Everything has separate indexes presorted by name, path, size and date modified.

Other applications can query the Everything index with the Everything SDK.
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Re: How is it even possible that Everything is this fast at sorting ?

Post by shodan »

Thank you that makes so much sense !

I sing the praise of your software to every advanced computer user that I meet.

I will now go sing about it to the windirstat people

thank you and keep up the good work and BTW I've been using 1.5 (for the darkmode) for more than a year and did not hit the slightest snag in that time, I already recommend 1.5 to everyone I think it's good enough to be on the download page.
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Re: How is it even possible that Everything is this fast at sorting ?

Post by NotNull »

shodan wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 11:56 pm I will now go sing about it to the windirstat people
Take a look at wiztree instead. In their own words:

When scanning NTFS formatted drives, WizTree reads the hard drive's Master File Table (MFT) directly from the disk (like Everything Search does). It can also quickly scan non NTFS and network drives.
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