1.Bring the everything window and File=>Exit
2.Go to the everything folder and run a bat file as admin which contains
Code: Select all
net stop Everything
net start Everything
Code: Select all
C:\WINDOWS\system32>net stop Everything
The Everything service is stopping.
The Everything service was stopped successfully.
Press any key to continue . . .
When I open the task manager,I can see that the everything process is still in there(not the service)and it is doing literally nothing(no cpu cycles)
To fix that,I have to hit enter in the cmd window so the service is started again,run Everything again(no new instance is created)but the everything window appears and then I File=>Exit again and this time I can see that the main process(not the service)is properly closed
Then run the bat file again and everything is fine this time
I am using the latest version but this is not the first time it happens