Folder Separator

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Folder Separator

Post by meteorquake »

Much as file grouping as usually implemented is not greatly useful there is one implementation that would be, and that is when you have search results sorted by folder path to be able to have a clear separator so you can see the transition from one folder to the next. In a file list view this could be a gap that stretches the result pane width of standard background with the path name in light grey so it is quite unobtrusive but readable (default; options could stylise it) and the gap provides the visual cue. In thumb view similar, with the thumbs of the prior folder terminating early (before the edge of the pane), then the divider across, then the first thumbs of the new folder starting a new line.
This would solve an awful lot of my image viewing issues on Everything where I need to be strongly aware in the results of when the results transition from one folder to the next.
Cheers, David
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Re: Folder Separator

Post by void »

I will consider grouping the same paths.

Thank you for the suggestion.
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