So... (F2)
test -> x/test
creates (if necessary) & moves test into (a directory named) x.
I imagine ? there's a setting to disable this?
I'm thinking that maybe it should be disabled by default? Maybe*.
I sort of knew something like that existed for 'Copy to' ('Move to'), guess I just didn't realize (though suppose I should have), that it also applied to Multi-file (Advanced) Rename.
(Heh. And looks like Shift+F2 is not a default for Advanced Rename. [Wonder if I put that in there, long ago?])
Add folder name to rename files
So now realizing that it is expected (& just something I hadn't run into before), & knowing the behavior exists, I guess it's OK, defaulted.Maybe*
(And far less of an issue that it might otherwise have been, given that Undo History & Index Journals exist.)