- application/pdf (*.pdf)
- application/zip (*.zip)
- application/x-7z-compressed (*.7z)
- application/x-msdownload (*.exe)
- application/x-ole-storage (*.msi)
- application/vnd.rar (*.rar)
- audio/flac (*.flac)
- audio/midi (*.mid)
- audio/mpeg (*.mp3)
- audio/ogg (*.ogg)
- audio/wav (*.wav)
- audio/x-ape (*.ape)
- image/bmp (*.bmp)
- image/gif (*.gif)
- image/jpeg (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jif;*.jfif;*.jfi)
- image/png (*.png)
- image/tiff (*.tiff;*.tif)
- image/vnd.adobe.photoshop (*.psd;*.psb)
- image/webp (*.webp)
- image/x-icon (*.ico;*.cur)
- image/x-pcx (*.pcx)
- image/x-tga (*.tga)
- message/rfc822 (*.eml)
- video/avi (*.avi)
- video/mp4 (*.mp4;*.m4a)
- video/x-flv (*.flv)
- video/x-matroska (*.mkv;*.mk3d;*.mks;*.webm;*.mka)
Everything will gather properties with the Windows Property System.
If this fails, Everything will fall back to it's own built in property handler for the above file types.
The Windows Property System is managed by the OS to provide properties for files.
The Windows Property System can be extended with third party property handlers.
Please make any request to add native support for a file type in this thread or send me an anonymous message.
Requested file types:
- wmv
- mpg
- mov
- ts
- m4v
- asf
- PDF (Cross-reference stream)
- heic
- xmp
- .vw
- .tta
- .msg (email)