first post of a new user here. I had a look on the forum but couldn't find an answer to my admittedly difficult to explain problems. I'll try.
I have compilation CDs where there's folders based on band name, then the name of the compilation. I'd like to switch the order of the folders so that I have <compilation name>/<band>/<song>
Example of current structure:
How can I select all files in each sub-folder? The idea is that I'll then create a new folder with the compilation name, select and move all files into that new folder, then select and delete all parent folders.
Is that easily doable in a batch way rather than doing that manually?
Find and replace subfolders
Find and replace subfolders
- Attachments
- music folders.jpg (53.35 KiB) Viewed 1088 times
Re: Find and replace subfolders
Yes, that is definitely doable.
Are you running Everything 1.5 or version 1.4?
(Menu => Help => About Everything should reveal the current version)
The following is for version 1.5
Describing this for 1.4 will take more time and consideration, but if you can't or won't upgrade let us know and we will provide instructions.
NOTE: Without having details of the rest of the folder structure, the following is a first approach, to give a global idea.
NOTE 2: Personally, I would set the new format to and move the folders back to the G:\music cds and mp3s\ folder afterwards.
Reason: If one of the folders can't be moved for whatever reason (like mp3 still playing or folder opened in a file manager or other program), the end-result will be partly according to the old structure an partly according to the new structure. And that is much harder to manage ...
Are you running Everything 1.5 or version 1.4?
(Menu => Help => About Everything should reveal the current version)
The following is for version 1.5
Describing this for 1.4 will take more time and consideration, but if you can't or won't upgrade let us know and we will provide instructions.
NOTE: Without having details of the rest of the folder structure, the following is a first approach, to give a global idea.
- Enter the following search query in Everything's search bar:
Code: Select all
folder: "G:\music cds and mp3s\*\*"
- Select all compilation CDs
- Menu => Edit => Advanced => Advanced Move To Folder
- Odd Format =
G:\music cds and mp3s\%1\%2
- New Format =
G:\music cds and mp3s\%2\%1
- Check the entries in the "New Full Paths" box to see if results are as desired
- If so: Press the OK buttion
- Done.
NOTE 2: Personally, I would set the new format to
G:\new folder\%2\%1
Reason: If one of the folders can't be moved for whatever reason (like mp3 still playing or folder opened in a file manager or other program), the end-result will be partly according to the old structure an partly according to the new structure. And that is much harder to manage ...
Re: Find and replace subfolders
Thanks @NotNull, that works like a charm!
I copied it the results to a temp folder first as suggested, good idea.
For anyone else trying that, if you're new to Everything Select ALL entries that come as output of the folder: <path>, otherwise only the first one gets copied. That took me a minute of head scratching
I copied it the results to a temp folder first as suggested, good idea.
For anyone else trying that, if you're new to Everything Select ALL entries that come as output of the folder: <path>, otherwise only the first one gets copied. That took me a minute of head scratching