Ability to access Explorer context menus of sub-Path column

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Ability to access Explorer context menus of sub-Path column

Post by Coldblackice »

Would it be possible to add the ability to access Explorer context-menus of sub-Path column entries?

I love Everything's ability to interact with Path column cells, and I'm frequently double-clicking paths to open them, and/or right-clicking to access their Explorer menus. Everything 1.5 even added the new sub-Path context menu, enabling the ability to traverse nested sub-paths to do a "Search in Everything" on any (bonus: holding CTRL even opens it into a new tab!). Highly useful, and I use these often.

However, unless I'm blind and overlooking the setting, it seems sub-Path entries don't pull up their Explorer context menus. Would it be possible to enable this?

I frequently need to access Explorer context actions for directories, particularly for comparisons. As a workaround, I double-click paths to open them in Explorer, access their context menus from there, then close them. But it would save a lot of effort if we could access them within Everything's sub-Path menu.
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Re: Ability to access Explorer context menus of sub-Path column

Post by void »

An option to show context menu shell extensions under the Parent Folders submenu is on my TODO list.

Thank you for the suggestion.

For now, you will need to open these folders in Windows Explorer to access the context menu shell extensions.
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