Remembered Views for particular folders

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Remembered Views for particular folders

Post by meteorquake »

Much of the time when I'm on a task I want a set view to follow me around as I change folders. Often it's a photo view.
However there are some folders where photo view is useless and when I'm in them it would be good if the current view changed to details view when in them, and changed back to the set view when I move out. Generally it is often just for that particular folder not when in subfolder view, but sometimes it can be for it and its descendants. In that respect, some aspects of Explorer remembering views proves to be helpful but Explorer I find is overzealous in remembering all folders' views rather than just a critical few with the remainder adopting whatever the current view is.
* It would be good if one could have a menu item to achieve this and choose "remember view for just this folder" (i.e. subfolders tickbox is Off) or "remember view for just this folder and descendants" (i.e. on any of the branch and subfolders can be on or off). These commands could also be assigned to keyboard shortcuts.
* It would be helpful if it could track renames, at least ones made from within Everything, although if it can be tracked more generally it may as well be. I suppose indexed items might well have a direct or indirect flag to indicate there are references to check out for such as a view to get or impacts to trigger for renames/deletes.
* In terms of resources it would only need checking once on changing folder on the Folder Bar to determine the view, not when using the search bar (unless simple cases of the search having a clear path were detected).
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Re: Remembered Views for particular folders

Post by void »

I have put on my TODO list to add an option to remember the view for folders in the folder sidebar.

Thank you for the suggestion.
Thy Grand Voidinesss
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Re: Remembered Views for particular folders

Post by Thy Grand Voidinesss »

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