One thing I cant turn of is the Everything search edit bar. There are many use cases where I don't need the search edit and in fact gets in the way of what I am trying to do.
For example, I often have a few everything windows open as "pellets" or "panels". These windows are preconfigured from and are easily open with a AHK hotkey:
Code: Select all
Run, Everything64.exe -x %Xpos% -y %Ypos% -height 400 -width 600 -bookmark references -ontop
- As small as possible as there can be 2-5 open per program
- The everything window space not being by taken up its UI panels
- Prevent the accidental editing of the Search edit
The last two points are what I am struggling with. Being able to hide the search edit and to show it on demand with a hotkey would fix both points.
In this example gif, you can see how much space the search edit for both windows are taking, its also possible to accidentally change the results showing in them.
My need for these panels are for a window that shows a "fixed" list of items. So the Search edit is preictally useless and a hinderance here.
Please void, consider giving us an option to toggle the visibility of the search edit bar, cheers!