So today I ventured into Column Formulas (thanks Phlashman and armed with a modicum of success I wondered why there was no Average function (well, that I could find). Nothing stops me; I can do it with Sum divided by Count. I used Search, Picture and then :-
Code: Select all
T:\Greaves\Training\Everything\Tutorial\ column1:=sum:($width) addcolumn:column1
The data in the width column is numeric data, no matter what it represents, and if it is numeric data then I should be able to Sum it and Average it and do any numeric operation on it.
I can't!
So where, please, have I strayed from the path?
(1) It seems reasonable to me to Sum a set of 386 numeric data
(2) Perhaps I am missing a function OfTheColumn(), and these Excel-like functions operate solely on an individual row in the Result List
I have an argument up my sleeve that makes it logical to associate the average of a set with each member of the set (for example to rate each member of the set against the entire population), but I suspect that I took a wrong turn way, way back.
And I would appreciate any guidance.
Thanks, Chris