Changing the file content will also update the "date recently changed".
Most of the time, "date modified" and "date recently changed" will be the same.
"date recently changed" might be more recent if the index entry is changed, but the file contents remain the same.
There's also the
"Date Changed" property in Everything 1.5, which is the timestamp of the last NTFS Master File Table (MFT) entry change.
Every single file/folder on an NTFS volume will have a "Date Changed" value.
"Date Recently Changed" will be very similar to "Date Changed".
Except, "Date Recently Changed" is only stored for files/folders
recently changed.
"Date Recently Changed" = index entry change in Everything. (for files changed since Everything was started)
"Date Changed" = MFT entry change on the NTFS volume.
"Date Changed" will include changes that Everything ignores. (such as updating alternate data streams, object id changes, security descriptor changes, etc..)