While we are on the joined-at-the-hip "content" and "excessive time", I do understand that Everything is fast because it starts off with an index of file characteristics. A search by file name, path, date-modified etc is therefore a fast search in RAM.
I further understand that to satisfy "content" Everything must work through the index of found-files (file name, path, date-modified etc ) and open each of just those files to examine the content.
I'm new at this, but I suspect that there must be a slew of time-consuming searches. For example, MP3 files are different from TXT files in that MP3 files have tags in the file header, which is to say, in the content of the file, so asking about an Artist or a BitRate ought to consume time just as does Content.
If that is so, then somebody (OK, I'll do it!) might flag all the functions/modifiers/whathave you to indicate those features that require a file to be open to be queried.
Cont would be flagged, that's for sure.
I am unsure where Dimension is stored. Or Orientation
And while I am at it, I suspect that Everything is smart enough to determine what, in the Filter, can be satisfied without opening the file, and do all that filtering before opening the file to examine Content and the other time-consuming stuff.
Thanks, Chris