ignore: (maybe) sortignore: ?
red_blue | redblue | rb_*
red_blue - description
red_blue - description 2
redblue - description
redblue - description 2
(but not just 6 results, but 100s or 1000s...)
And I'd like to see all my "description" & "description 2" & "description 3"... results
displayed with some commonality - where a straight ascii sort would not.
And I want to see the results, sorted by "description".
With only the "pertinent" parts, the description, considered in the sort, then I can see that I have [red_blue] "description 99", [redblue] "description 99", & [rb_] "description 99" that are all related, &
displayed together (rather then being 100 places apart from on another).
!PUNC helps with the case of "red_blue" & "redblue" - in
finding files, but it does not help with a (sorted)
display of the files.
Likewise I could change my search to
<red_blue | redblue | rb_*> 99
& that would find (& display together) all my "description 99" items, which is fine - as far as it goes. (And then I can change 99 to 91 to ...)
Better (IMO) is to be able to see all related items at once, sorted in a (more) meaningful manner (for a particular situation).
Now ignore: would apply to the SORT (display), not the SEARCH.