Tagging Actions!

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Tagging Actions!

Post by Coldblackice »

An absolute savage feature, IMO: a tagging-->action function in Everything

I positively hate navigating save dialogs to get to the right folder to save or move a particular file to. Relying on "Quick access" is clunky. Quickest routine I have is popping an Everything search, typing "ff:" for "folder find" (custom abbrev.), typing a few letters of the folder I want (and possibly the drive letter for trimming results), then CTRL-C/CTRL-Shift-C/Ctrl-Alt-C (different name-copy methods I've set up). Then I alt-tab back to the save-dialog, paste the copied folder path into the name box, press enter, now I'm at the right folder where I can save the file.

What would be awesome is if Everything had a tagging-awareness system, so when a filename gets saved/created/renamed with a particular tag (user defined) in its name, Everything will move|copy that file into the user-defined folder/location.

For example, in Everything's settings under the "Indexes" section, there could be a "Tagging" subsection where the user can define tags + locations. So if I create a tag like:

Code: Select all

#TOOLS#   |   C:\MyTools
...the next time I'm in a folder or save-dialog anywhere, if I save (or rename) the file as coolapp#TOOLS#.exe, as soon as Everything picks it up on the index change radar, Everything takes the file from whatever folder it was in and moves it to C:\MyTools\, and then removes the "#TOOLS#" from its name.

This way, you could save or even rename files in whatever folders or save dialogs you want. If you're in Microsoft Word and it opens your "Pictures" folder as the first/default save-as folder, you don't even have to bother changing directories, just save the document wherever and just add the #DOCS# tag to its name. Or if you're in an explorer window, whatever files you rename with tags in their names will also get moved (or copied... actions could be set/defined in Everything, as well).

Lots of possibilities to expand on this, as well, like the ability to set a base-level default folder, and then anytime a file gets saved or renamed with user-defined tag symbols, e.g. "##__##", the word between the symbols gets made into a folder if it doesn't already exist.

This could also even be added into already existing functionality, like Bookmarks or File Lists. But I realize this may be going beyond scope, so no problem if so!
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Re: Tagging Actions!

Post by void »

Thank you for the tagging/macro suggestion coldblackice,

I will consider adding Everything preprocessor support to Save dialogs.
Thank you for the suggestions.

This might look something like:

and recalled with something like:
Posts: 79
Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:20 am

Re: Tagging Actions!

Post by Coldblackice »

Awesome, sounds great!
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2016 9:06 pm

Re: Tagging Actions!

Post by RobW2 »


You said:
What would be awesome is if Everything had a tagging-awareness system, so when a filename gets saved/created/renamed with a particular tag (user defined) in its name, Everything will move|copy that file into the user-defined folder/location.
That's a fantastic idea! I would use that every day.

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