thank you for the very promising version 1.5 (at the moment i may use it for the tests only)
the 'index journal' feature is probably the most interesting for me (along with the 'content indexing' feature)
speaking about 'index journal':
- since 2010 i had been constantly using the 'cenvorox file monitor' program (version (made in 2006) (i still have to use it)
- not a single attempt (to substitute it with something more convenient and modern) was successful in these 11 years
- the 'index journal' is a ray of hope for sure
but right now there are quite a lot of negative aspects/questions/ideas that i would like to mention:
1) in my case the 'Export...' button allows to save a CSV-file with this content only:
this is the 1st line (the 2nd line is empty) (there are 2 lines only, while the 'index journal' window displays hundreds/thousands of ID's)ID,Date,Action,Name,Path,New Name,New Path,Size,Date Modified,Date Created,Date Accessed,Attributes,Parent Date Modified,New Parent Date Modified
2) will it be possible (later) to choose which columns to show and which not to show?
for example, i certainly don't need these: Date Accessed, Attributes; and most likely several others too
while the horizontal space is quite valuable there
3) will it be possible (later) to export to usual .txt-file? (not only csv)
this is the pattern/example that i suggest to consider for such txt-file (which in fact will serve us as a log):
but it even could be implemented in a lot better way (more convenient to look through a long txt-file whose content looks like a huge log; because in majority of cases the content of 1 line will fit that line horizontally):1 2021.03.14 09.42.25 File Rename D:\Programs\my-test-9.txt D:\Programs\my-test-10.txt
2 2021.03.14 09.42.25 Folder Modify D:\Programs
the rest of example could look like this:1 2021.03.14 15.01.05 D:\Programs\my-test-9.txt Rename From
2 2021.03.14 15.01.05 D:\Programs\my-test-10.txt Rename To
3 2021.03.14 15.01.05 D:\Programs Modify
(yes, i think that all the time/date-related symbols have to be highly customizable: order, user-defined delimiters/spaces, presence of seconds...)4 2021.03.14 17.42.25 D:\Programs\my-test-11.txt Add
5 2021.03.14 20.03.00 D:\Programs\my-test-9.txt Delete
6 2021.03.15 00.42.25 D:\Programs\my-test-10.txt Delete
7 2021.03.15 00.42.26 D:\Tests\my-test-10.txt Add
8 2021.03.15 03.00.59 D:\Programs\my-test-12.txt Add
here ID's 6 and 7 are technically the 'move' action (this is just an alternative way to display the ID's, thus not using the 'move' definition at all)
the idea is based on the long experience which i have with the 'cenvorox file monitor' program
thanks to it, i also have the saved history of all my file/folder events since august of 2010: it occupies 1 gb in txt-files but they are not archived
(as you understand, they may occupy much less in a rar/zip-format)
but 'cenvorox' is not convenient in many ways: it constantly requires manual tidying up, it demands to be a service, it demands to have 1/2 processes in a loaded state, it makes impossible to rename any root folder in any drive (to actually rename any of it, 'cenvorox' may be completely unloaded but this is the additional and slightly tedious action)
4) so there is a very important feature that may be added to 'index journal':
a. possibility to manage/save/keep all the file-system-events (often it it necessary to return to some point and see exactly in tiniest details what was happening with this or that file/folder, even if it was long time ago)
b. i suggest to implement some convenient system that will allow to keep absolutely all ID's in automatically created (easy readable) txt-files
c. this system/feature will be aimed at advanced users, and it has to be very customizable
there should be a possibility to choose the folder where those txt-files will be created by ET, according to user-defined settings like:
- how many maximum ID's a txt-file may contain (for instance, we choose 20.000, then a new txt will be auto-created after each 20.000 ID's)
(my personal choice would have been 200.000 or even much more)
- what is the name pattern for such txt-file? for instance, i would have decided to see it this way: "2021.03.14 19.42.25.txt"
right after the auto-creation of a consecutive txt-file, the 'index journal' clears its content (which was already copied to a just saved txt-file)
but of course, the clearing must be done by ET only when the 'index journal' window is not opened
5) the upper 'Action' line could be improved
there is a lot of free space there to the right side, and thus the drop-down list is a pure non-ergonomic evil in this case
all its 11 entries could be made available directly as small and accurate buttons: horizontally placed, 1 by 1, with a corresponding inscriptions like: all actions, folder create, folder delete...
6) idea: if some line is selected (in the result field of 'index journal'), press on F2 may give this whole line the 'inline rename' state
(this will allow to select any part of a path/name/date... and send it to clipboard: this option could become a nice time-saver in many situations)
7) now the title bar is 'Index Journal'. it may become something like this: Index Journal - 3217
so it will immediately prompt a user: how many file/folder events are displayed right now in a long list (no need to scroll it down)
it may be useful if ID's sort is ascending (0 on top) which is my case always
(the '3217' value should not be auto-changed during the current session of the 'Index Journal' window)
(this suggestion is quite arguable and should be treated as least important)
8) something like the 'Import...' button may be considered too
those automatically created/named txt-files will be used with this new 'Import...' setting
(here the main sense is probably in the fast search/filter that is already implemented in the 'index journal' window)
but importing should not re-write the current (not saved so far) view in the 'index journal' window
so seemingly there should be some additional button like 'Switch To Current Events' (near the 'Import...' button)