What's Next for Everything 1.5a
Priority TODO:
- Localization
- Beta release
- UI development.
- Compare file lists / file list diffs
- Sidebars / command bar
- parent-filelist: search
- parentattributes: search
- Column Sets might work as a submenu next to the Audio...Video submenus.
- property UI -need to manage indexed properties and custom values.
- support TC content plugins
- status bar help text for context menu parent folder items
- import/export plugins settings
- subfolders on everything treeview item -a rewrite is planned
- right click menus use wrong dark theme on windows 10 after changing dark theme.
- WD Elements 3.5" USB 3.0 hard drive not safely removing. -everything holding handles?
- search box on folder sidebar
- index journal sidebar
- work area sidebar to temporarily store drag drop files.
- UI option to allow window move from toolbar.
- optimized case for dmyear:
- syslink control emulation (accessibility support)
- temp indexes -this folder (folder in the current search) is not index -would you like to add it to your index? yes/no -dropdown dialog
- everything never forgets exclude volumes (fat/ntfs/refs/network drives etc) -maybe we could clear this list if auto include is unchecked?
- menu customization
- get shell to handle error 5 with multi-file renames.
- option to follow folder shortcuts (.lnk) when using folder indexing.
- redo button in undo history
- long filename support for move operations.
- Check and remove HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartupApproved\Run when we enable run on system startup.
- recent change secondary sorts.
- command line to add a folder index -add-folder-index c:, command line to add a folder index with subfolders -no-subfolders, also add search
- add an option to clear a offline folder index.
- column sets
- orlist DFA
- press F5 to update indexed properties for current visible items
- ntfs allocation size property.
- scriptshape
- replace ifilter with windows search
- dimensions:800..1920X600..1080 -improve readability.
- install HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\LibraryFolder\background\shell 'search Everything here...' context menu item.
- allow draging bookmarks to desktop to create a shortcut.
- allow draging of search box to desktop to create a shortcut.
- organize macros UI
- add filelist wildcard filter, eg: c:\myfilelists\*.efu so we can add a whole folder of file lists. might be tricky to monitor the folder, but doable.
- validmkv: validmp4: validjpg: validmp3 properties. -instead of valid: we need to use invalid, since we are not an official validator. we definately know when a file is invalid, not the otherway around.
- search history organize edit existing search text
- os_VerifyEmbeddedSignature tests for plugins
- support HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.ext\shell\verb\command for context menus
- add a radio check box for the user to select the control panel\all items...
- add copy full path to clipboard (with quotes) to tools -> Options -> Context menu -also remove the double quote path option -this will keep all these settings in one place.
- filelists cant handle control panel -thinks its relative.
- details / thumbnail button on bottom right of statusbar -like in windows 10
- should we move the Everything.db when changing the database location? users are expecting a new Everything.db to appear in the new location.
- child: should be a modifier
- utf8-len: should be a modifier
- option to use serialnumber:xxxx-xxxx in the GUID field for NTFS volumes. -we did add relative path support, eg: "\\"
- keep run count for files renamed in Everything.
- days since modified property. a compact column to show files modified x days ago
- run with parameters UI option when executing an item.
- multiple desktop support on windows 10, desktop instance? users want to allow one 'show window' per desktop.
- add journal api to SDK.
- add db snapshot to SDK.
- Add commands to convert the selected filenames to lowercase/uppercase/titlecase.
- window manager to list all everything search windows -option to activated, hidden, unhidden or closed.
- customizable context menu items, need to be able to add new items and set position and $exec command
- customizable locations in the tree view.
- add a setting to disable always ontop if maximized.
- allow users to specify delimiter for filelists, ext: -not sure this is needed now that we support , and ;
- support WSL files. (Linux Windows Shares) \\wsl$
- fuzzy search needs ranking system -needs a ranking system so search for "tonic" shows "tonic" results above "sonic" results...
- regex:^(.*)abc dupestartwith:\1
- detect dpi change when dragging Everything from one monitor to another.
- an eval toolbar? show the evaluation result from the search bar, eg: search 1+1 would show 2 in the eval bar.
- view -> Select Columns
- filelists editor to support all properties
- export as m3u, picture/video/document playlists?
- paste & go from search edit when search as you type is off.
- add a "Create Search shortcut" option to the file menu to create a shortcut to launch everything with the current search.
- bookmark tags like in firefox.
- normalization list or Synonyms list
- Lemmatization / Stemming option
- add a button to the right of the search edit in bookmarks/filters to open the advanced search / filter builder
- Add the option to show the volume label in Path/Folder column
- ISpellChecker support for dictionary look up? -windows 8 only -doesn't match things like usa.
- research column header dropdowns -HDF_SPLITBUTTON -implement a dropdown menu for this.
- named instances support in SDK
- add a minimize button to each advanced search option -make sure its remember between Everything sessions.
- if we add a duplicate search term, eg: search for: 8087 8087 we should detect the second 8087 as a duplicate term and search for two occurrences of 8087
- add #sentencecase:<%1> to multi-file renamer
- show a warning when setting a filter/bookmark macro and that macro name already exists.
- add a special <current search> option to bookmark searches that is replaced with the current search box text.
- show total size in status bar for file list editor.
- In the Everything.ini support page, add something about double quotes use \ to escape.
- preview window should stay the same size when sizing the main window
- hold shift to show detailed tooltips ? -could show size as bytes? durations in milliseconds etc?
- add a command line option to rescan a specific folder index.
- add an enable local crash dumps search command, eg: /enable_local_dumps Tools -> Debug -> Enable crash dumps
- Add support for symbolic links when using NTFS indexing.
- have a simple filename for "always the latest version", eg: Everything.zip Everything.msi etc...
- add support for SHGetStockIconInfo
- paste with newlines as ORs -as an advanced submenu item? -we cant add to the edit right click menu easily.
- show icons on thumbnails -need to check registry if this is enabled for each type.
- add support for URLDownloadToFile
- add property to show number of NTFS data fragments for files.
- add own header control so we can show tooltips when ellipsis are used for header titles.
- taskbar group icon shows standard icon for Everything when using 4k display with 300% windows scaling
- reload preview if the current preview file has been modified.
- add "reset order" and "reset columns" to the column organizer.
- customize infotip / tooltips on items like the statusbar custom single result text.
- optional menu item to toggle time format to show seconds/milliseconds.
- keyboard options page should focus "Show commands containing:" first, otherwise if a hotkey edit is focused, we cant use our alt shortcuts.
- renamelist <filenames.txt> -open the multifile renamer from a list of filenames in filenames.txt
- scroll sensitivity setting? vscroll/hscroll multiplier, LVM_SCROLL, WM_VSCROLL, WM_MOUSEWHELL etc..
- reindex a NTFS volume when a folder is renamed and the old name is not found. (excluded folder is renamed)
- online/offline status -add a background thread to Everything to monitor if folder indexes are online/offline and only attempt update when the folder is online...
- focus the search edit after some custom timeout? eg 30 seconds?
- fix aspect ratio for preview images / thumbnails with odd DPI
- add a command line option to show preview pane or hide preview pane. -nopreview
- show file attribute details when mousing over, eg: N = Normal. D = Directory
- command line option to launch advanced search UI.
- add count: to advanced search.
- run programs as non-admin from admin everything.
- localize search function names
- a menu option (under the search menu?) to select which indexes to search. or under the Indexes menu
- cache visible highlighted results -clear cache when we get new results. calculated highlighting every time the mouse moves is tooo much
- add a TASK SCHEDULER feature, actions could be when a file is created that matches this filter "*.exe" run the following program..
- color filters - and icon color multipler filters, so empty folders can be red etc.
- highlighting with complex script support.
- a way to search the index journal with a normal query? replace rc:?
- named file-list:
- uniscribe support
- custom column padding.
- option to prevent Everything from "copy-delete" moving.
- parenttag:
- Option to 'Freeze' the name column so it always visible
- restore defaults for content/properties
- toggle button in the folders sidebar pane title to set subfolders.
- add a ini setting to prevent access to drives that are asleep.
- EFU file history in File menu in the File List Editor.
- monitor file list (file -> open filelsit) for external changes
- multi monitor with different dpi shows tray popup menu in wrong location
- multiple macros for filters, bookmarks with ; eg: pic;img;picture;image
- add a search function to search for all the Libraries locations by path. -shell:documentsLibrary expands to Libraries\Documents -we want to search library paths without indexing Libraries
- option to choose between current user and all users in installer and Tools -> General.
- rather than showing multiple fail errors in the multi-file renamer, show a log at the end.
- Show the total indexed size of content in the Content options page.
- Add a search function to enable/disable the temporary exclude list
- support more than one path when using Everything.exe -create-filelist
- rename/lock tab
- new folder from right clicking under the path column
- group number property
- add a property that describes the first line of a content match.
- index nested archive files. zip inside zip
- fix column order when restoring a column
- New Folder AND Enter it
- refresh properties on SHCNE update path
- /prefix-search
- ctrl+shift+insert to cycle paste (from text copied in Everything)
- Perceptual hashing (hash for images to find similar pics -like soundex for images)
- add option to enable mica support for windows desktop-background style backgrounds
- treat unicode 'lm' as a diacritic?
- Display System.Search.QueryFocusedSummary somewhere
- es output to powershell object.
- aarch64 build
- Spotlight Server support
- support for indexing coll:/My Collection/
- ghost cut items in folder sidebar.
- zip/container item date-modified (and other properties)
- detect external changes to your custom property values.
- -set-filters -command line option to load/copy filters.
- Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> IPC filter -add a filter to apply to IPC calls.
- show a progress bar if building IShellItems takes longer than 1 second.
- child-total-size property
- everything server spec
- metaphone
- option to gather property values when indexing properties and the file is excluded. (load property values on demand)
- -window-instance <name>
- add support for GSS Generic Search Service
- mark files -> edit -> Advanced -> mark files. mark: dupe:size;!mark
- Index QNAP qsirch
- reload policies on WM_SETTINGCHANGE.
- instead of rebuilding to remove volumes, just remove the volumes without a rebuild and resort.
- child-content-filename-filter:
- make it easier to change the localized text when editing your AUDIO filter.
- Add custom columns for yaml, json, xml, csv, tsv, etc..
- make modified keyboard shortcut command items bold
- next/prev run count item command.
- set run history count from Tools -> Run History.
- bookmark file -Ctrl + F2 = set file bookmark -F2 = select next file bookmark, Shift + F2 = select previous file bookmark
- regex match 1 freq
- support for LDAP and SAML (AD authentication) for Everything Server
- occurrence-word:
- window caption format total file/folder counts.
- a window title format variable for current window number or total window number?
- address bar
- EXIF thumbnails
- Shortcut Target Exists property.
- dm:1hour30mins
- sort images by color
- track temp-excluded results so we can use #excluded-count: in the statusbar.
- Index menu -> Choose volumes wizard
- edit | select all siblings
- mix by full path and name when display_full_path_name is enabled
- add a preprocessor function to show the total sum for a specified property
- about:myconfig to show only non-default values.
- add a command to clear run count from the current selected items.
- avoid adding duplicated filters.
- command line switches after -rename
- -rename undo history
- show last successful rescan date for folders in a tooltip under Tools -> Options -> Folders
- show a play button in thumbnail mode for files with an associated iPreviewHandler, when clicked,a preview ontop of the thumbnail could be shown.
- undo history and index journal status bar with total item count
- Show a Cancel menu item in the Index menu when building the initial index.
- match whole filename search menu option
- open search-ms files
- our own saved search file (ESS? Everything Saved Search)
- optional unicode code point sort -same as Everything 1.4
- command line option to "ADD PATH to the folder sidebar selection"
- Drop description text for file list editor.
- system infotip handlers.
- $exec command for virtual files.
- Add an IPC call to send a WM_COPYDATA reply with the current selection.
- Add an option to hide the preview pane when no preview was generated.
- add triple click support to all edit controls.
- Add a refresh button/menu item when the current search contains a search function that does not update in real-time.
- column sidebar to quickly organize and jump to a column.
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\LibraryFolder\background\shell 'search Everything here...' context menu item.
- and much more....
- [FIXED] Fix broken path sorting.
- [FIXED] Fix database corruption when using the folder filter.
- [FIXED] Fix a crash when using an indexed property file exclude filter.
- [FIXED] Fix an issue with Everything 1.5 excluding files.
- [FIXED] Fix a crash when renaming folders and excluding files/folders.
- [ADDED] Tabs
- [ADDED] Find and replace dialog / find bar
- [ADDED] Group policy support
- [ADDED] History for multi-file-renamer
- [ADDED] right click column header menu layout add/remove should be together.
- [ADDED] eml property handler and eml content handler.
- [ADDED] add an option to allow * to match \
- [ADDED] remove duplicated backslashes in the search, eg: c:\windows\\setup.bmp => c:\windows\setup.bmp, however, allow searches to start with any number of backslashes, eg: \\server\share -added \\ = **\**
- [ADDED] add an option to include a trailing backslash for directories when using copy as path and exporting to txt.
- [ADDED] dont index folders immediately after adding them, instead start scanning them in the background. -added ini option to do this.
- [ADDED] index named data streams
- [ADDED] ini options to customize the action of xbutton 1 and xbutton 2.
- [ADDED] path ellipsis for path column -added ini setting
- [ADDED] isopen: search function to list files that are currently opened.
- [ADDED] hash from sfv, .sha256 property etc
- [FIXED] preview hang on vob files
- [ADDED] temp exclude list items need a UI check box to toggle them on/off
- [ADDED] add support for the not operator ! in other search boxes
- [ADDED] multi-file-renamer insert property #format-date:#get-property:date-modified,"yy mm dd hh MM ss"
- [ADDED] grid lines
- [ADDED] close button on sidebars
- [ADDED] add 'Everything will restart' warning to reload config dialog
- [ADDED] Add a search function to use the new Find Property Duplicates feature.
- [ADDED] total bytes written stat for db:save
- [ADDED] rewrite preview pane
- [ADDED] sfv pass property