files don't open in associated programs

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Joined: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:31 pm

files don't open in associated programs

Post by zuki7 »

Everything Version
Windows 64-bit Vista

I have TXT files associated with Textpad 5. However, when a TXT file shows up as an Everything hit, the file opens in Notepad. However, if Textpad was already open, the files opens in Textpad.

I have RTF files associated with Jarte (<>). If Jarte is not already open, an RTF file as a hit in Everything, when clicked on produces this "Access Violation":

Access violation at address 0055C02B in module 'Jarte.exe'. Write of address 00000024

Call stack:
:0055C02B [Jarte.exe]
:0055BE4A [Jarte.exe]
:00559F46 [Jarte.exe]
:0043AF03 [Jarte.exe]
:00407650 [Jarte.exe]
:004533B8 [Jarte.exe]
:0045EBB6 [Jarte.exe]
:005AF730 [Jarte.exe]
:0059D5F0 [Jarte.exe]
:005B1BE7 [Jarte.exe]
:0059AA22 [Jarte.exe]
:75628817 [USER32.dll]
:7562898E [USER32.dll]
:75628AB9 [USER32.dll]
:756290E3 [USER32.dll]
:005A2FE4 [Jarte.exe]
:00401E56 [Jarte.exe]
:005F59B2 [Jarte.exe]
Jarte Plus 4.1,
9/11/2010 03:47:30
Windows Vista (64-bit), 6.0.6002, Service Pack 2
Exception Count: 1, Exception Type Count: 1
Color Depth: 32
Screen Resolution: 1280 x 720, DPI: 96
Metric: False
Status: False
Panel: None

With the latest version of Agent Ransack there is no problem opening either TXT files or RTF files.

Also, these files when clicked on in an Explorer folder, open correctly.

BTW the icons of RTF files as Everything hits are the icons for MS Word files. Not so in Agent Ransack or Explorer.
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: files don't open in associated programs

Post by void »

I have made some changes to the execution of files, does the problem occur with the latest alpha version from:
"Everything" version ?
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:44 pm

Re: files don't open in associated programs

Post by Heckscher »

I'm using the late alpha, running in Windows 7, and have a related problem: when I open a Word file from Everything it insists on opening a new instance of Word, which is a pain because it creates conflicts in the normal.dotx template. I don't have this problem in other programs, such as xplorer2: they just opens files within the existing instance of Word. I've tried but failed to solve this by tinkering with the "Open with" settings. Any ideas? (The workaround I'm using for the moment is to copy the file name, go to Word, and paste the name into the File Open command there; that's a bit clunky!)

I just moved from a Windows XP machine; there a Word file could not be opened at all from Everything by double-clicking (nothing happened), but if I used Open With it worked fine. That was a manageable workaround.

By the way: what a wonderful program, it has become indispensable to my daily work. This inquiry has spurred me to donate a bit.

Charles Heckscher
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