Paste&Search button near adress bar.

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Paste&Search button near adress bar.

Post by drmusti »

hi dear coder David,
Paste&Search button near adress bar.

we copy text anywhere later right click paste or ctrl + v

this badly

Paste&Search button near adress bar. very easy. very userfriendly...
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Re: Paste&Search button near adress bar.

Post by void »

I will consider an optional paste and search button next to the search bar.

Thank you for your suggestion.
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Re: Paste&Search button near adress bar.

Post by therube »

By default, if you paste (into Everything), it searches, no?
Or are you just saying to have a "Paste Button" as an alternative to the keyboard shortcut (or context-menu, Paste)?

(You can search highlighted text within a web browser with a bookmarklet.
Maybe you can use an autohotkey thingy to search anything highlighted or copied into the clipboard ?
So if you're in a word doc & highlighted something... hotkey, search!)
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Re: Paste&Search button near adress bar.

Post by Rene »

i like this idea, in fact i've been seriously thinking about suggesting a new feature for Everything that goes in the same vein :idea: :idea: :idea:

See, i've been using Everything everyday for a few weeks while i'm trying to sort and organise my stuff, i mean a huge boatload of files (or is it buttload? lol) , that i've been collecting for the last 20-25 years or more, and i do like using the keyboard shortcuts just fine especially since i started back in the MS-DOS era, but lately i've been wanting an easier time to work with well... everything, and Everything, especially on my tablet.

So i wanted for a good long while to suggest: :idea: Could we add a toolbar :?:

Like Explorer's ribbon with the back and forward buttons, refresh, re-scan drive, and other often used functions. I know we can already choose to step back or forward in the history function with ALT+ :arrow: , but this doesn't work well on tablets.

Plus it would look so great with a nice set of icons on a toolbar or ribbon. Like, rename, delete, open folder, properties, mediainfo on video files, preview button for pix, etc

And not so much usage of the right-click context menu, because on a tablet that can be frustrating when you have to wait those few seconds for the context menu... like a thousand times an hour :!: everyday, for weeks. (ok maybe i can just go to my laptop)

But, I'd love to just click a toolbar button instead. and do Everything on my tablet (hehe see what i did there?)

And It would be great for both mouse-users and super great for tablet users. A ribbon would really come in handy for those with big sausage fingers (not me i have normal size hands :lol: ).

Maybe even a Favorites menu, so we can search for often used words or phrases.

That really opens a lot of possibilities for fun interactions with Everything :!: 8-) 8-) 8-)

Thanks for making it this far in my novel, :lol: , I swear i only wanted to suggest the ribbon idea.

Stay safe and we'll get through this Pandemic 2020.
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Re: Paste&Search button near adress bar.

Post by NotNull »

Rene wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:55 am Maybe even a Favorites menu, so we can search for often used words or phrases.
Take a look at bookmarks (Menu:Bookmarks)
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