buttons/hotkeys for custom display modes (not filters)

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buttons/hotkeys for custom display modes (not filters)

Post by frome »

I have sorted the listview in Everything like so: first a very wide "Name" column (default file list sorter), then a very wide (needing side-scroll) "Path" column. Further to the right comes "Size", "Date Modified", "Creation Time".

I often immediately find what I'm looking for in Everything that way. But sometimes I need to sort by size, date modified or creation time. That means: doing long side scrolls, clicking header, scrolling back, finding and working on the the files, scrolling back sideways, clicking header, scrolling back. I'd like some custom hotkeys and/or buttons that can temporarily switch sorting mode instead.

I suggest this:
1. let hotkeys win+1, win+2 ... toggle sorting/reversed sorting by column 1, 2 ...
2. add option to put custom action buttons to the right of the menu. Let users make buttons by setting a title and a hotkey to trigger on click.

2 can be useful also in other cases. The more complex features Everything adds the more people will request ways to toggle between modes. Such custom buttons would, in combination with hotkeys, provide a universal solution for that.
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Re: buttons/hotkeys for custom display modes (not filters)

Post by therube »

Some sort of auto-column-width adjustment would be nice.
Based on window size, with maximum (auto) size per column ...

ALL programs (windows) should work like that (Windows 7 doesn't :roll:).

Altap Salamander File Manager works well in that respect.
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Re: buttons/hotkeys for custom display modes (not filters)

Post by void »

I'd like some custom hotkeys and/or buttons that can temporarily switch sorting mode instead.
Implemented for the next release of "Everything".

You might like to test this now with the latest alpha version of "Everything".

The default keyboard shortcuts are:
Ctrl + Shift + 1 for Name.
Ctrl + Shift + 2 for Path.
Ctrl + Shift + 3 for Size.
Ctrl + Shift + 4 for Date modified.
Ctrl + Shift + 5 for Date created.

You can customize these from the Tools -> Options -> Keyboard window.

I have also implemented a auto sizing column option for the next release of "Everything" (not available in alpha) with the following keyboard shortcuts:
Alt + 1 - Resize "Everything" to 50% of screen height and make all columns visible.
Alt + 2 - Resize "Everything" to 66% of screen height and make all columns visible.
Alt + 3 - Resize "Everything" to 75% of screen height and make all columns visible.
Alt + 4 - Attempt to resize "Everything" the window to fit in all the column data.
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Re: buttons/hotkeys for custom display modes (not filters)

Post by dan_pub »

void wrote:You might like to test this now with the latest alpha version of "Everything".
Maybe I'm dense today, but I can't find any link to a newer alpha than 451 on this thread. Do you have a direct link, please?
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Re: buttons/hotkeys for custom display modes (not filters)

Post by therube »

451 is the latest.
Ctrl + Shift + X is working there.
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Re: buttons/hotkeys for custom display modes (not filters)

Post by dan_pub »

OK then. Thanks for clarifying.
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