I ran es.exe from command prompt mistakenly

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I ran es.exe from command prompt mistakenly

Post by krosal »

It looks like the es.exe is used for a few things such as exporting files list to text file. What happens if you run it by mistake, does it hurt anything? I don't believe so, but just want to check that it doesn't make any changes in the system. I was thinking this was for seeing the current status of the indexing that is taking place.

Thank you,
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Re: I ran es.exe from command prompt mistakenly

Post by NotNull »

Running ES.exe will do no harm.
It will either show a list of options (ES /?) or a list of files (ES.exe winword.exe).

Running ES.exe without any parameters will list all files that are in the Everything database
(unless you created an ES.ini configuration entry to overrule that behaviour)

If you redirect the output of ES.exe to a file (something like: es.exe /? > file.txt ) you could overwrite an existing file.
But if you accidentally started ES, that scenario is highly unlikely.
Posts: 99
Joined: Sun May 12, 2019 2:30 am

Re: I ran es.exe from command prompt mistakenly

Post by krosal »

OK, that is great.

Thank you,
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