New user, quick question about navigation

General discussion related to "Everything".
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New user, quick question about navigation

Post by klepp0906 »

So ive glanced at everything in the past. However, for my use - ive always been able to get windows explorer's built in search to work for me with a bit of movement, or quotes, or ~= etc.

However after the 1909 build of windows, its seems to be completely neutered. Time for the jump.

I noticed when opening everything (using portable with the service installed so i dont have to have it running 24/7) that it presents me with a window showing my attached drives, followed by the folders n files therein each drive sequentially.

This is fine more or less, but I had assumed that double clicking a drive, or a folder, would change my view to said drive or folder. Unfortunately it simply opens said drive or folder in windows file explorer. Dont get me wrong, the latter is a great option to have via context menu or something - but I was hoping I could navigate via the interface as opposed to having to type a path in the bar for when those cases arise.

I did notice a bit of talk here or there over the years about a "tree" view which would serve the same purpose more or less.

Is either possible at current?
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Re: New user, quick question about navigation

Post by void »

A tree view is on my TODO list for Everything.

For now, please try enabling the Search Everything... folder context menu item:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the General tab on the left.
  • Check Show Search Everything... folder context menu item.
  • Click OK.
Now, when you right click folders there will be an option to Search Everything...
If you click on this menu item, Everything will launch and limit the search to the specified folder.
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