Attempt reconnection to mapped drive if unavailable

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Attempt reconnection to mapped drive if unavailable

Post by cyanghost »

I have a low priority suggestion to make. Since Windows 10 1809, I've had issues with mapped drives disconnecting at random. Microsoft acknowledged this* but as far as I can tell, they have not fixed it.

Would it be possible to have Everything attempt to reconnect the drive if it is not available? Currently, when I open a file from a network drive, it will show an error. I then have to go to File Explorer and manually reconnect to the network drive and then I can open the file in Everything.

* ... rsion-1809
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Re: Attempt reconnection to mapped drive if unavailable

Post by void »

There's no programmatic way to reconnect mapped network drives AFAIK.

Please consider changing your Everything shortcut to launching a script to open Explorer.exe to the mapped network drive and launch Everything:
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Re: Attempt reconnection to mapped drive if unavailable

Post by therube »

That's neat.
Never realized that PUSHD assigned a drive letter.
(Never really paid attention to it, simply thought it added something to the stack.)

Times ago, for quirky connections, I used:

Code: Select all

NETUSE.EXE : Connect Network Drive Utility : by Steven Wettberg
NETUSE connects the specified drive letter to the specified UNC path. 
If the drive is already mapped, the previous connection is stored,deleted
and the new connection is made. The stored connection may be restored by 
specifying the command with the /RESTORE option.
Example: This assumes that the letter F: is already assigned to a UNC.
Netuse f: \\server\share - The current mapping is saved and the new 
connection is made.
Netuse /restore f: - The connection that existed before the above 
command was issued is restored
The particular computer that needed it, had a batch file, mapd.bat, that called netuse...

Code: Select all

:: mapd map network drive SjB 02/21/2000

:: *E*machine
netuse E: \\EMACH\EMACH_HD

(Somewhat related. Network discovery disabled itself,
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