Ability to include a sorting option with a user-created Filter

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Ability to include a sorting option with a user-created Filter

Post by Coldblackice »

I have a custom filter which shows me the most recently modified/created files happening right now on my machine, but with a number of folders excluded, like browser cache folders (which overwhelm this ability with their fast/frequent writes). This is useful for finding wherever some program I'm using is outputting something to disk in a deeply nested folder somewhere. I call this my "Watch it Live" filter. The only issue, however, is that I can't have this filter default to sorting by most recently modified.

Would this be possible to implement?
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Re: Ability to include a sorting option with a user-created Filter

Post by NotNull »

You can do that already by combining a filter with a bookmark. Bookmarks support sorting.
Something like this:

2019-10-15 23_32_06-Everything.png
2019-10-15 23_32_06-Everything.png (5.02 KiB) Viewed 4547 times
(where T:\Temp is the RAM-drive where my browser cache writes it's data)

2019-10-15 23_33_03-Edit Bookmark.png
2019-10-15 23_33_03-Edit Bookmark.png (13.45 KiB) Viewed 4547 times
Activate it through Menu:Bookmarks > Watch it Live.

You could also skip the filter altogether and add the search-query to the bookmark ("Remember search").

EDIT: Instead of Date Modified you can also use Date Recently Changed.
That captures all changes to a file (attributes, ACL, renames, changes in reparse points and more (mostly technical).
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Re: Ability to include a sorting option with a user-created Filter

Post by Coldblackice »

Thanks. What's the purpose/difference then between filters and bookmarks? It looks like bookmarks are basically just filters with more configurable options. I must be missing something, however.
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Joined: Wed May 24, 2017 9:22 pm

Re: Ability to include a sorting option with a user-created Filter

Post by NotNull »

The search query of a bookmark ends up in the search bar; search queries from filters do not.
Filters can use macro parameters, so they can be used as some sort of functions. Boomarks are 'static'.

For the rest: same difference (to me at least).
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