can ya do thah same for thah registry too??

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can ya do thah same for thah registry too??

Post by shadowghost »

this is an excellent program. i use it all thah time after i uninstall something,it makes it easy tah find all thah leftover files. thah hell with all them uninstallers like revouninstaller...etc..they never do there job. who needs that when yah have this. my question is..can yah make an "EVERYTHING SEARCH ENGINE FOR THE REGISTRY" also???? that would be awsome!!!! who would need registry cleaners if yah had something like that?? every registry cleaner i have ever used never completely does its job,including but not limited too..Ccleaner,Jv16 power tools 2009...etc. after using these reg tools,i manually go in and check myself tah see if i can find any part of the program i have uninstalled,and wouldnt yah know it,there are still keys and other leftover parts from the program. this also goes for the uninstallers. they DONT WORK!!..they cause more harm then good..with ah tool like this for thah registry,it would solve all muh problems :) can it be done???? hope so. would love tah see it. am looking foward tah ah reply :)
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Re: can ya do thah same for thah registry too??

Post by therube »

RegScanner - find/search in the Registry of Windows

Still needs to actually scan the Windows Registry, though you can limit its scope, & is more versatile then REGEDIT.

Quickest way may be to do an export of the Registry (to a .reg "text" file), then perform a search with an editor that handles regular expressions, perhaps Vim. Work with that to flush out those areas that interest you, then use RegScanner or REGEDIT to actually make the changes you want. (RegScanner does have some command line support, & the Windows command REG is a command line utility.)
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Re: can ya do thah same for thah registry too??

Post by shadowghost »

will give it ah try..ty for tha info :) will let yah know how it works out.
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Re: can ya do thah same for thah registry too??

Post by shadowghost »

sweet!!! comparison tah other registry cleaners,i was amazed!.i typed in "google" and it came up with 357 entries,where as jv16 power tools 2009 only picked up 155 entries,even while searching by "word". ccleaner..we wont even go there,and ah few others that i tried picked up less then 50.what ah difference!! i am one for thoroughly cleaning out my registry after an uninstall,i hate leaving parts of leftover programs behind.this is ah great tool..ty for showing me this :) thah good thing bout this program is it lists everything at once,and yah can delete everything at once,or pick your way through every key and delete thah ones yah know are safe to delete..and it gives yah thah full close enough tah what i was looking for..i have come tah thah conclusion that NO registry cleaner is safe,nor thorough,will never use them. i had tah reinstall muh printer after using jv16 power tools 2009 because it deleted reg keys that went tah muh printer..bad!. ccleaner doesnt do ah thorough job at all,but it has never done any harm tah my computer.evidently they all have different search criterias. i think reg cleaners should be taken off thah market,or never advertized again..same goes for uninstallers..they are USELESS!!! just ah way for people tah make money or to get info from yah computer by inserting spyware by downloading their software ty again for pointing me towards this program. :)
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