automatically configure settings

General discussion related to "Everything".
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automatically configure settings

Post by mike232388 »

Is there a way to automatically configure setting instead of manually doing it for every install? If we were to only want one folder and its subfolders to be searched?
Posts: 5517
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Re: automatically configure settings

Post by NotNull »

All settings are in (one or two) Everything.ini files.
Configure one system to your liking and copy that Everything.ini('s) to the other systems.

If you provide some more (technical) details of what you are trying to achieve, we might give you more detailed advice.
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Joined: Tue May 29, 2018 7:19 pm

Re: automatically configure settings

Post by mike232388 »

NotNull wrote:All settings are in (one or two) Everything.ini files.
Configure one system to your liking and copy that Everything.ini('s) to the other systems.

If you provide some more (technical) details of what you are trying to achieve, we might give you more detailed advice.
Thank you! We have 1.3 million PDF's (not scans) from an Electronic health record and want certain staff to be able to search terms within the PDFs, not just the title.
Would it be best to just put a shortcut to everything somewhere and also, is searching within PDF's easy enough? Is that a setting that also needs configured?
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Re: automatically configure settings

Post by void »

Everything about "Everything"'s configuration can be found here:

Either deploy Everything.exe and your custom Everything.ini to a folder on the users PC where they can not modify it, eg: C:\Program Files\Everything
Have your users run Everything from a server with read-only access, eg: share your Everything folder on your server which contains your Everything.exe and Everything.ini. Have users run Everything.exe directly from this server share.

Everything is already configured to search file contents, users will need to use the content: search function to search contents of pdf files.
Please see ... _searching for more information.
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