Manually Sync db

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Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:17 am

Manually Sync db

Post by skyshore »

Hi, I like this tool, especially its simple but powerful user interface.

My suggestion is to add a option to allow users manually update the index db.
I dislike to add software to autorun programs, so I often launch it when I need query something. But it seems to update db every time it starts, it costs about 30 seconds on my PC before I could use it. I think most of files are not changed, so it's better for me to have an option to allow me use it instantly without auto updating db, and have an menu entry to update db manually. (just like another tool locate32)
I would appreciate If you consider my suggestion.

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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Manually Sync db

Post by void »

This will be possible with the next release of "Everything" by running Everything.exe with the -loaddb and -quit command line options.

You could schedule this with task scheduler or place a shortcut in your start-up folder.
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