Actually, u=you are not looking for siblings, but (to stay in his terminology) a lone child, without brothers /sisters
EDIT: This was a bad idea involving namepartdupe: Deleted.
Workaround 2: (not tested)
- create an Everything query to find all your
EPUB files
- Export the results as a
textfile to some folder
- Put this script in the same folder
Code: Select all
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in (%1) DO (
if not exist "%%~dpnA.opf" ( move "%%A" "c:\New\My Folder\" & rd "%%~dpA" 2>nul )
-Drag the result txt file to this script.
For each .EPUB file, It will check if there is a .opf file in that folder with the same name. If that's not the case (no brother). the file will be moved to the "c:\New\My Folder\" folder (aadapt this to your situation)
After that, it will try to remove the folder where the .epub file was. That will only succeed if that folder is empty.