
Have a suggestion for "Everything"? Please post it here.
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Post by NotNull »

Two suggestion regarding monitor_pause:

[*] When the monitors are paused, show the current status on the statusbar

[*] One can read a current INI configuration by issuing /INI-key and that will show the current value on he statusbar.
Example: entering /fullscreen will show fullscreen=0 on the left side of the statusbar (for a couple of seconds)
In the case of monitor_pause, /monitor_pause is also the command to halt the monitor.
Consider a new name for the INI entry or a new name for the command.

BTW: There is also an INI-key/command conflict for /debug, but it's quite obvious if the debug console is running, so no need to query the INI value for that.
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Re: monitor_pause

Post by void »

When the monitors are paused, show the current status on the statusbar
Added to my TODO list.
I'll also look into the option to toggle the monitors from the status bar.
Consider a new name for the INI entry or a new name for the command.
Will do.

The naming may change for the UI, something like "Pause index updates" / "Index updates paused".
The word "monitor" is used internally for updating.
The search command could then be changed to /pause_updates

Thanks for the suggestions.
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