Make sizedupe: remove the files that aren't duped from listing

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Make sizedupe: remove the files that aren't duped from listing

Post by HASJ »

As it is now, using the sizedupe: filter and deleting one (or all) of the duped files keeps the other(s) still in listing. I can see the usability of this but could there be an option to remove files without dupes from listing?

I believe this is also the case with any dupe: filters.

Thanks for this beyond useful program -- it is essential in any Windows for me.
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Re: Make sizedupe: remove the files that aren't duped from listing

Post by void »

This is currently by design for performance reasons.

However, I do have it on my TODO list.

I need to:
Mark the query as having a dupe operator.
When a file is created, modified or deleted Everything must find files with the same name/size (dupe:/sizedupe:).
Requery for the files found above.
Add new results / remove existing results.

This can be expensive, depending on how many files need to be requeried.
For example, creating a new file will match many other 0 sized files and if you use a complex search, such as regex or a path search, it may take a second to requery.

I think it will be more useful to see live results than any performance loss.

Thanks for the suggestion.
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