Are these anything I should be concerned about?
X:\ GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint FAILED 87 is normal for Everything.
Everything uses GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint to get the volume guid on all drives A-Z.
When the drive doesn't exist, GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint will return with the error code 87.
Everything does this to find drives which are not returned in FindFirstVolumeW.
What does the "ideal threads" mean? Should I not force a strict number of threads in Everything.ini?
Everything splits the sort into multiple sub sorts and does these sorts in parallel (each sub sort uses a new thread).
The ideal threads is the number of sub sorts Everything would like to use.
If you had 343 logical processors, Everything would split the sort up into 343 sub sorts.
However, Everything if you only have 8 logical processors, Everything will use 8 sub sorts in parallel.
You can change the number of logical processors Everything uses with the
max_threads ini option.
Everything performs best when you leave max_threads=0
0=use all logical processors.
However, this may come at a cost of slowing everything else down in the system, so you may need to use max_threads to find a good balance.