syntax for show certain filetype in all matching folder names?

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syntax for show certain filetype in all matching folder names?

Post by frew »


Thanks for Everything. It's amazing.

I'm wondering how to show all .wav files in all folder names that contain "loop" (without the quotes) on drive D.

I want to browse all the wav files on drive D that are found in all the folders whose names that contain the word loop.

I have hundreds of folders scattered around my external hard drive D with names like
Drum Loops
good loops wav_need modification to loop well

I want to see the wav files contained in all these folders, rather than having to browse one folder at a time.

Here's some searches I tried that do not do it:
folder:loop *.wav
folder:loop file:*.wav
folder:loop AND *.wav

Thanks for any ideas,

Edit: tried this and it works great, but still open to any other ideas about how to use folder:
*.wav path:loop !path:fx
shows all .wav files in paths containing loop, but excluding paths containing fx
What a beautiful program Everything is!

Thanks again,

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Re: syntax for show certain filetype in all matching folder names?

Post by salazor »

I suspect you do not do this by using the folder: - because it only displays folders. Try child: functions: eg:

Code: Select all

- find all the folders in which they are mp3, see here: ... 462#p12462
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Re: syntax for show certain filetype in all matching folder names?

Post by frew »

salazor wrote:I suspect you do not do this by using the folder: - because it only displays folders. Try child: functions: eg:

Code: Select all
- find all the folders in which they are mp3, see here: viewtopic.php?p=12462#p12462
Actually, I'm trying to find a way to show only the .wav files
in all the folders whose name contains "loop".

I'm wondering if there's a way to do that, perhaps using some combination of folder: and file: ?

What I want is:

show me all the .wav in the folders whose name contains "loop"

The problem with the path: partial solution I presented

*.wav path:loop

is that, for example, in this path I only want to see this .wav


but I do not want to see this wav


because here only 1.wav is in a folder whose name contains "loop"

Showing all .wav in paths that contain loop shows me more .wav than I'm looking for.

I only want to see the .wav in folders whose name contains loop.

Thanks for any more ideas.

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Re: syntax for show certain filetype in all matching folder names?

Post by void »

is that, for example, in this path I only want to see this .wav
Please try searching for:
loop child:*.wav
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Re: syntax for show certain filetype in all matching folder names?

Post by frew »

void wrote:Please try searching for:
loop child:*.wav
Thank you, this works great to get to the folders whose folder names contain loop,
where the resulting folders also contain .wav files.

I find that to be very useful too.

Originally in this topic I had hoped to find a way to show only the .wav files
that are contained in all these folders whose folder names contain loop.

But if that is not possible, this at least gets me to the folders with loop in their
names, where the folders also contain .wav files.

Is there a way to show only all the .wav files in all these loop-named folders?

For example, let's say scattered across drive D there are to be found these three folders
whose name contains "loop":










What I'd like to see in the results are only all 9 of those .wav

without showing the folders.

Thanks for any other ideas about this.

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Re: syntax for show certain filetype in all matching folder names?

Post by void »

Please try searching for:

regex: = enable the regex modifier
loop = matches loop
[^\\]* = any number of any character (except a \ )
\\ = match a single \
[^\\]* = any number of any character (except a \ )
\. = match a single .
wav = match the string: wav
$ = match the end of the filename.

Using a \\ in regex will force full path and file name matching.
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Re: syntax for show certain filetype in all matching folder names?

Post by frew »

void wrote:Please try searching for:

regex: = enable the regex modifier
loop = matches loop
[^\\]* = any number of any character (except a \ )
\\ = match a single \
[^\\]* = any number of any character (except a \ )
\. = match a single .
wav = match the string: wav
$ = match the end of the filename.

Using a \\ in regex will force full path and file name matching.
void I want to thank you !

This is astonishing !

Yes, this gets the exact results I was looking for.

Now I'm also feeling inspired to learn regex.

Thanks again, very helpful indeed.

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