Updating an existing tranlation

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Updating an existing tranlation

Post by Gingko »


I would like to know if there is any way to update an existing translation (not made by myself)?
I mean, of course I read the “Translating” page, but it seems to only describe how to create a new translation language from scratch.
The “Everything.lng” file is binary and not readable, is there any way to uncompile it and get the original(s) .txt file(s) back and available for modifications that way?

Practical case:
  • Using the French language, I can see that the added shell folder contextual menu item is named “Search Everything…” in version 1.4 but was named “Chercher tout…” in version 1.3.
  • But if I had previously installed version 1.3 and next upgraded to 1.4, both menu items are visible and effectively working (although only the English one have the Everything icon).
  • I would like to find a way to fix this because this is quite ugly, it takes space in the contextual menu whereas mine is already heavily loaded and this is very visible because it is one of the main Everything Search Engine's entry point.
Another solution would be having the French translator updating his translation, but in the meantime, “If you want something done right, do it yourself” :) (and this seems to be lasting for a quite long time, now).

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Re: Updating an existing tranlation

Post by void »

Please check your email for the French translation template.

The translation template is in process of being finalized for an Everything 1.4 release.
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