- es.exe [options] search text
- These options will continue to function with older versions of Everything.
- Search using regular expressions.
- Match case.
- Match whole words.
- Match full path and file name.
- Display this help.
- Limit the number of results shown to <num>.
- sort by full path.
Column types
-extension, -ext
-date-created, -dc
-date-modified, -dm
-date-accessed, -da
-attributes, -attribs, -attrib
-date-recently-changed, -rc
- Show the specified column, if path, name or full path and name is not specified, full path and name is used.
You can specify which columns you would like ES to display and in which order they are displayed
-sort name[-ascending|-descending], -sort-name[-ascending|-descending]
-sort path[-ascending|-descending], -sort-path[-ascending|-descending]
-sort size[-ascending|-descending], -sort-size[-ascending|-descending]
-sort extension[-ascending|-descending], -sort-extension[-ascending|-descending]
-sort date-created[-ascending|-descending], -sort dc[-ascending|-descending], -sort-dc[-ascending|-descending]
-sort date-modified[-ascending|-descending], -sort dm[-ascending|-descending], -sort-dm[-ascending|-descending]
-sort date-accessed[-ascending|-descending], -sort da[-ascending|-descending], -sort-da[-ascending|-descending]
-sort attributes[-ascending|-descending], -sort-attributes[-ascending|-descending]
-sort file-list-filename[-ascending|-descending], -sort-file-list-filename[-ascending|-descending]
-sort run-count[-ascending|-descending], -sort-run-count[-ascending|-descending]
-sort date-recently-changed[-ascending|-descending], -sort rc[-ascending|-descending], -sort-rc[-ascending|-descending]
-sort date-run[-ascending|-descending], -sort-date-run[-ascending|-descending]
- Sort results.
Note: Works best with fast sort types.
- Set sort order
/o-n Sort by name descending.
/os Sort by size ascending.
/o-s Sort by size descending.
/oe Sort by extension ascending.
/o-e Sort by extension descending.
/od Sort by date modified ascending.
/o-d Sort by date modified descending.
- DIR style sorting
-instance <name>
- Connect to the unique Everything instance name.
- Show results starting from offset.
-export-efu <out.efu>
-export-txt <out.txt>
-export-m3u <out.m3u>
-export-m3u8 <out.m3u8>
-export-tsv <out.tsv>
- Export to a file.
Exporting as csv will export all specified columns.
Exporting as efu will export the filename, size, date modified, date created and attributes columns.
Exporting as txt will export only the filename column.
Exporting as m3u will export as ANSI play list.
Exporting as m3u8 will export as UTF-8 play list.
Exporting as tsv will export all specified columns.
- Change display format.
Output can be redirected.
- Don't write the CSV or EFU header.
- Write a UTF-8 byte order mark at the start of the export file.
- 0=auto, 1=Bytes, 2=KB, 3=MB.
- Pause after each page of output.
- Hide results when no search is passed to ES.
- Show the help when no search is passed to ES.
- Timeout after the specified number of milliseconds to wait for the Everything database to load before sending a query.
- Format the column with leading zeros, use with -no-digit-grouping.
- Don't group numbers with commas.
- Highlight results.
Highlight color 0x00-0xFF.
-name-color <color>
-path-color <color>
-extension-color <color>, -ext-color <color>
-size-color <color>
-date-created-color <color>, -dc-color <color>
-date-modified-color <color>, -dm-color <color>
-date-accessed-color <color>, -da-color <color>
-attributes-color <color>
-file-list-filename-color <color>
-run-count-color <color>
-date-run-color <color>
-date-recently-changed-color <color>, -rc-color <color>
Highlight color 0x00-0xFF.
- By default ES tries to align each column as best as it can, you can customize the width of each column for larger consoles.
-name-width <width>
-path-width <width>
-extension-width <width>, -ext-width <width>
-size-width <width>
-date-created-width <width>, -dc-width <width>
-date-modified-width <width>, -dm-width <width>
-date-accessed-width <width>, -da-width <width>
-attributes-width <width>
-file-list-filename-width <width>
-run-count-width <width>
-date-run-width <width>
-date-recently-changed-width <width>, -rc-width <width>
- Set the minimum column width 0-200.
-path <path>
- Search for subfolders and files in <path>.
- Search for subfolders and files in the parent of <path>.
- Search for folders and files only in <path>.
- Directories only.
- Files only.
- DIR style attribute searching.
R = Read Only
H = Hidden
S = System
D = Directory
A = Archive
V = Device
N = Normal
T = Temporary
P = Sparse File
L = Reparse Point
C = Compressed
O = Offline
I = Not Content Indexed
E = Encrypted
- = Prefix a flag with - to exclude.
- Save all switches to the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ES
- Clear all saved settings in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ES
- Settings are loaded automatically each time you run ES.
No search is performed when using -save-settings or -clear-settings, ES will return immediately.
Run history
-set-run-count <filename> <count>
- Set the run count for the specified file to count.
The file does not have to exist.
- Increment the run count for the specified file by one.
- Get the run count for the specified file and display the result.
- No search is performed when using -set-run-count, -inc-run-count or -get-run-count, ES will return immediately.
- Get and display the result count.
- No result file names are shown when using -get-result-count ES will return immediately with the result count.
- ES does not have access to bookmarks or filters.
- Export all mp3 files to an Everything file list named mp3.efu
- es.exe *.mp3 -export-efu mp3.efu
- es.exe -sort size -n 10
- es.exe -sort dm -n 10
- es.exe foo bar -highlight
- es.exe -size -dm -sizecolor 0x0d -dmcolor 0x0b -save-settings
Code: Select all
ES_ERROR_SUCCESS 0 // no known error, search successful.
ES_ERROR_REGISTER_WINDOW_CLASS 1 // failed to register window class
ES_ERROR_CREATE_WINDOW 2 // failed to create listening window.
ES_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY 3 // out of memory
ES_ERROR_EXPECTED_SWITCH_PARAMETER 4 // expected an additional command line option with the specified switch
ES_ERROR_CREATE_FILE 5 // failed to create export output file
ES_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SWITCH 6 // unknown switch.
ES_ERROR_SEND_MESSAGE 7 // failed to send Everything IPC a query.
ES_ERROR_IPC 8 // NO Everything IPC window - make sure the Everything search client is running.
- -'s can be omitted, eg: instead of typing -no-digit-grouping you can type: -nodigitgrouping
Use double quotes to escape spaces and switches.
Use ^ to escape special command line characters, eg: escape | with ^|
Switches can also start with a / eg: /ad
Switches can be disabled by prefixing them with no-, eg: -no-size.
Highlighting is expensive, use as many search terms as possible or use -n to limit the number of results.
- Most es features require Everything 1.4.1.
[TODO] screenshots
Source code is included. ES 1.1 uses the new Everything 1.4 IPC.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments, thanks.