Quick Add to Exclude Folder List

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Quick Add to Exclude Folder List

Post by keithg1964 »

It would be nice to be able to right-click an file path, and have the option to add that folder to the excluded folders.

An even nicer option would be to be able to exclude it for a certain time say an hour or so.
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Re: Quick Add to Exclude Folder List

Post by void »

One of the main reasons I've avoided doing this is because changing the exclude list is expensive (requires a reindex).

I'll consider adding it as an option in Tools -> Options -> Context menu.
I like the exclude for x hours option too.

Thanks for your suggestions.
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Re: Quick Add to Exclude Folder List

Post by therube »

Maybe a Temporarily Exclude list, that would work similar to a Filter (Ctrl+Shift+F).

So right-click, Temporarily Exclude, sets it up into memory such that subsequent searches are effected by the TE items.

So you search for 'Everything.exe', but your TE contains E:\WINDOWS\Prefetch so your search is "Everything.exe"+"!E:\WINDOWS\Prefetch" (silently appended) to the search term, so only Everything.exe is found but not E:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\EVERYTHING.EXE-31453496.pf.

TE's would simply expire when you Quit Everything or when you manually Revoke Temporary Excludes, unless you specifically Make Temporary Excludes Permanent (Now|At Next Quit)

(Kind of the opposite of the Temporarily Allow [JavaScript] feature in the NoScript Firefox extension.)

(That said, can't say I've particularly seen a need for such a feature.)
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Re: Quick Add to Exclude Folder List

Post by void »

I use noscript too, a similar approach in "Everything" could work quite well here, I've added it to my TODO list.

Having an additional dynamic exclude and temporarily exclude list would also effect the performance of Everything. The bigger these lists the bigger the performance hit.
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Quick Add to Exclude File List

Post by therube »

Quick Add to Exclude File List

Like above, but for files.

You do a search, 'Trains'.
And you have blue trains & red trains & yellow trains & green trains.
And you only want to deal with a set of those trains, but you don't want to necessarily want to revise your search, you still want 'Trains', you just don't want to see all of them - at present.
So the ability to select the files you don't want to see &, 'Temporary Exclude'.

Yes, I'd use that right now.

And once I'm done with the particular set I'm dealing with, 'Revoke Temp Exclude', & there I am again with all my files showing.


Thinking a bit more, you could go the other way too, maybe even a bit easier, 'Send selected files to new window'. So once you've selected the particular files you're wanting to deal with -> SendTo New Window.

That action could create a, %TMP%/SendTo-Everything-searchfilelist, & (formatted correctly), the new window can be opened like:

Code: Select all

Everything.exe  -searchfilelist  %TMP%/SendTo-Everything-searchfilelist  -newwindow
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