
Found a bug in "Everything"? report it here
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Posts: 5056
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm


Post by therube »

That's a heck of a Subject.

Just throwing it at you in case it might mean anything...

Typed in a simple search
Wasn't getting any response

Notice that CPU usage was high
Didn't catch the cause
Just thought I'd pop open Console in case something of note (to you) was there

Have no idea if the hang was even related to Everything, but...

So here it is:

Code: Select all

Version (x86)
Windows NT 5.1
Processors 2
IsAdmin 1
AppData 0
Service 1
cmdline "C:\DEV\Locate\Everything.exe"
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000, lastfocus 014b036a, current focus 014b036a
found 18 files, size 65540, db search time taken: 14.427874 seconds
total size 3325992, calculated in 0.000002 seconds
set sort 5 1
finished sort, time taken 0.000142 seconds
update selection 0.000000 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000092 seconds
processed ntfs usn records in 0.001169 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000178 seconds
new results
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
when ready 11 0000002d 00000000
WM_ACTIVATE 00000002 00000000, lastfocus 014b036a, current focus 00000000
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000, lastfocus 014b036a, current focus 014b036a
WM_ACTIVATE 00000001 00000000, lastfocus 014b036a, current focus 00000000
WM_SELECT ffff0000 00000000 00000000
TTN_SHOW 659 445 - 3 2
TTN_SHOW 659 428 - 3 2
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000, lastfocus 014b036a, current focus 014b036a
The 18 files, was 'ncmain'.
Prior, I typed in 'freefile', which would have returned 143 objects.
When nothing happened with that, I was like, huh, & typed in ncmain.
I didn't catch that part in the log, but you can see it took ~15 seconds for whatever reason.

Also, after I Quit (Console/Everything) & restarted Everything, it rebuilt the database.
Posts: 17155
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Hang

Post by void »

Thanks for the debug output.

Everything could have been doing an update, usually these are instant.
Renaming or deleting folders can be a little bit slower, but 15 seconds seems extreme.
During these long updates Everything will appear to hang.

Everything likes to eat ram too, maybe some memory was paged to disk. Check Everythings memory usage.

I'm curious too see what caused a rebuild after restarting.
If you are still running Everything and haven't recently exited Everything, please kill the Everything process with Task manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc)
Restart Everything from a command prompt with the -debug command line option.
What is displayed in the Debug console after Everything has started a rebuild?
Posts: 5056
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Hang

Post by therube »


G: is a mapped drive that points to C:.
Posts: 17155
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Hang

Post by void »

Thanks for the debug output.
No rebuild that time.
Most likely a temporarily disconnected drive.
If it happens again, please try killing Everything as mentioned above and restart with -debug to get the reason for the rebuild.
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