Search with right click in windows explorer (multiple items)

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Search with right click in windows explorer (multiple items)

Post by pimbim »

Dragging and dropping multiple files and/or folders into the search bar or whole window would be preferred but I know that has been suggested already multiple times.

But highlighting those folders in windows explorer and right clicking them, and similar to the option of going inside the folder with "search everything", there could be one to do a search based on their names, maybe that would be easier to implement than drag/drop.
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Re: Search with right click in windows explorer (multiple it

Post by void »

I am considering adding an ini option to allow drag dropping files onto the search edit.

For now, you can copy the files to the clipboard from Everything or Windows Explorer, and paste them into the search edit in the Everything 1.4 beta.

Thanks for the suggestion.

How to add the Search Everything... context menu item to all files:

In Regedit,
  • Navigate to:

    Code: Select all

  • Create a new Key called Search Everything...
  • Navigate to:

    Code: Select all

    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Search Everything...
  • Create a new Key called command
  • Navigate to:

    Code: Select all

    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Search Everything...\command
  • Change the (Default) value to:

    Code: Select all

    "C:\Program Files\Everything\everything.exe" -parentpath "%1"
  • Where C:\Program Files\Everything is the location of your Everything.exe
When right clicking a file and selecting Search Everything... the files path will be searched in Everything.
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Re: Search with right click in windows explorer (multiple it

Post by pimbim »

Thanks for the reply.

About the copying folders into the search edit in 1.4 beta, I tried and it works, but differently than copying and pasting text into the search edit (which is what I wanted to replicate)

Basically I have folders and file names that are all over my computer that have an exact matching name with a .torrent extension elsewhere in a giant folder on my computer and I want quick access to these files.

So what I do is highlight something and F2 in windows explorer and copy paste into the search edit and then both the folder name and the corresponding folder name.torrent will show up in everything, and I can quickly access and use the .torrent file from within everything.

if I add the | between names, then I can get multiple results, which is better, but it's still laborious.

But if I highlight and ctrl c a group of folders from windows explorer and ctrl v into the search edit, no corresponding .torrent files will show up in everything anymore, it just shows the exact folders or file names that I pasted in the results.

Anything I can try?
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Re: Search with right click in windows explorer (multiple it

Post by therube »

How about a batch file (initiated through [Windows] SendTo...) that collects the {file|dir}names, parses the list, appending an OR in between each item, & passes that data set as the search term to Everything?

So if it Windows Explorer you've highlighted the files, A, E, I, O, & U, right-click, SendTo... SendListToEverything.bat.

SendListToEverything.bat [pseudo-code]:

Code: Select all

for I in %*
set %SEARCH = %SEARCH% + %I + "OR "
next I
Everything.exe -s %SEARCH
So what ends up getting sent to Everything is:

Code: Select all

A | E | I | O | U
Everything.exe -s A | E | I | O | U

But then that would obviously return too much & unwanted results.

So in the parsing of the list, perhaps add wfn: or similar.

Code: Select all

wfn:A | wfn:E | wfn:I | wfn:O | wfn:U
Everything -s wfn:A | wfn:E | wfn:I | wfn:O | wfn:U

(Turns out I only have directories that meet such criteria ;-).)
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Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:35 am

Re: Search with right click in windows explorer (multiple it

Post by pimbim »

That sounds like it would work.

So do I just paste that code into a .bat.txt file?

how does my windows explorer get the right click option to sendlistoeverything.bat, add something to registry?
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